External Image

Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

New picture? New comic page? OMG!!

Its I yours truly with a another post!

Okay, to start things off I just submitted a new picture, a line art of a emo cat boy. I had the idea while I was in school. I'm hoping to get it colored soon but I've been wrapped up doing more pages in the TMM: sweets collection.

Yes people after over a year of collecting dust I raised a pencil to it! I mean after the tegaki mew mew thing I did last night I was hyped up with that good old mew feeling! This moring when I wanted to go play La Tale an online game but couldn't resist the feeling of drawing that damn comic again. Its so weird I can't seem to stop drawing. I even wanted to draw on the bus yesterday! Which I don't mind, I need this. If anyone been reading my post in the last few months I was nagging on how I don't draw no where near enough as I use too. Well, I think I made it up the last few days.

I want to post them up here but I really don't like the pictures much not my best work :P. I don't know, maybe :|.

Anyway the comic pages that I did today look much better then the last year's ones. I been wanting to do a comic to pratice on paneling etc. Its so much fun now! I never had so much fun not only doing the character(s) but the background, and let me tell ya I hated doing them last year. Now since I've been studing on perpictive (crappy spelling ew) I can do better backgrounds and enjoy doing them and learning more as I do.

Okay I'm going to let you guys go and watch some TMM 8D.

Chow chow! ^u^


It is I for thee update.

I just OPENED test commissions so I can get some practice and samples of them.

I just organize the commission options. I’m sill thinking over prices but since no one is paying for these (how lucky are YOU guys) there’s no reason to post them yet. There are 3 slots open and it’s a first come first serve kinda thing. Just comment that you want one and PM me the details but make sure you read the commission info before you do. I’ll post who got the slots when the first three gets them and close commissions.

Okay here are the categories:

Line Art

Line art and color

Shaded (gray scale with pencil)

All can be done in Photoshop or traditional mediums (color pencils, calk pastels, water color pencils) or both

Kinds of coloring
• Flat
• full

Kinds of drawing portions
• Head shot
• Bust shot
• Waist shot
• full body

What I will draw: anime style or semi realistic

• anime characters
• OC’s (please give ref)
• fan OC’s (please give ref)
• chibies
• cats and dogs including big cats/wolfs
• requests
• Yaoi :D
• Simple BG’s (colors, sky, or items floating around etc) (I’m trying to learn how to do a decent BG till then we have to settle with that XD)
• Simple items like a drawer, chair, or bed (etc)
• Borders

(Specify what you want)

What I won’t draw
• porn
• yuri
• hentai
• cars or mechs (cause I suck at them)
• super muscular guys (cause I suck at them too)
• big animals

More Info

Since these are Test commissions rather then art-trades or requests specify certain things you want included pose, features of your character (body size, kind of nose etc), background, color theme, mood, whatever you want. If you want me to do whatever (artistic freedom), that’s fine.

Remember to also ask lots of questions about your test commission if you’re not sure of anything as far as what I will/won’t/can’t draw.

I'll post the sketch of your commission to see if you like it.

I can also email you a high resolution of your commission if you want.


If anyone has anyone has any questions about anything above feel free to ask. I’ll add it to the FAQ.

So let the commissioning begain! :D



1. Zero Guardian
2. free
3. free

Here's the pencil drawing. From the poses you gave me I got a cute, happy, high energy vibe so this is the pose I came up with.

I has deviant account :D

Hey folks, its yours truly with another update!

Just as the title says I now have a deviantart account. My screen name is Yours Truly777 so if anyone has a account there let me know :3.

I'm still thinking over the prices for commissions and the different kinds I will offer. After I'm done, I'll open test commissions which means free arts for you guys :D! I want to see how long it takes me to make them and my skill level (since I work harder on commissions). As well as build a portfolio and samples for people to see. So I'm trying to setup everything.

My alien is going good I fixed his face a bit last night. Now I'm trying to add a background to it. After that ink and color and up here it goes.

Besides that, I'm in school... On a saturday... I'm not bulid for this. I'm so tired. It feels like I just woke up and rolled over into the school . Not to mention it was super flipping cold outside! Waiting for my second bus was god awful, all my movements where super slow. Even when I flare my nose XD. They had to give me a saturday class in the worst time of the year (mumbles and grunts).

I can't wait to go home and get some wanted sleep.

Chow! :o

Commissions? New picture! New alien chara! :D

Hey girlies and gents!

Its time for another update!

I just submited another picture, this time the cat girl one colored! If you haven't saw the picture yet go check it out if you have time.

As I wrote in the description I'm thinking about doing commissions. I wanted to do them before but I didn't think I was really good enought and other simply lame ass excuses, but as said with the last picture I feel confident enought and I'm ready to get started.

I've been looking though a commissioning tutorial for price ranges. Going throught deviantart journals for others commissioning details and how they do it. I even been looking over paypal and my big sis said that she'll give me some money to open up a bank account for it this X-mas. I want to open up other art accounts on other sites and commission at those accounts too. But I mainly want to commission here since I've been here for years and have friends here.

My X-Mas vaction is coming up and its going to be about 3 weeks so I want to get ready/started by then. And god do I need the money, I want so badly to help the with the bills and get things that I need but thats not the only reason I what to do this. I love drawing other peoples characters, coloring, and drawing itself (who knew right?), plus making money off of something that I love to do is my lifes dream. So what's is the delay? Nothing that's what rawr >:D!

Now, my only qestion is would you want to buy my art? Do you think anyone woul d buy it :/ I mean this is the internet so someone has to buy one (the doubt talking). Hell, I would die for some of my favorite artists (here and on devaintart) to draw some of my characters for some cash (if I had it like that :). Anyway, I don't want to price to be too high, I'm thinking a simple one characer and simple BG would be 15-20 bucks, thats not bad right? I also want to make some commission package for 10 bucks. Just some ideas floating around my head. Just tell me what you think, whatever comes to mind I'm open for anything. I'll update again soon about prices and whatnot.

Oh, yeah I want to draw some samples of what I would be offering so more pictures on the way! And another thing! I had the radest idea of an TMM alien and I want to draw him soo badly >__<.

If you read this whole thing congrats, you have peered into another piece of my life :D. Also thanks for all the great comments and GB signings! I've just got into the grove of commenting again and my comments are getting less one noted so I'm happy about that.

So have a good one and be safe everyone!

and it begins agin

OMG its... Yours Truly!! (music plays)

Hello Hello every one! Did you guys have a nice turkey day? Are you having a good weekend?

Lets start at the top, my fall semester ended on Wednesday and thanksgiving break started after that. My winter schedule for school is Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday….
I got an effing Saturday class! Nooo! I hate Saturday classes but there are its advances which are that traffic is really good, so I get there fast. As well as NO school kids! I hate coming home the same time those idiots come out. So disrespectful and rowdy, I always hated being in those crowds when I left school for the day, now I don’t have to deal with it… that much.

Also I’m on my 5 day break! Only because my last day was on Wednesday (I made up class for Thursday since there would be school that day) and I go back to school on Wednesday. So I’m working on everything I wanted to finish or started. Including the mew tutorial I started a few months ago. Yeah, I started retyping it after it got zapped off the interface but I stopped so I can get my head together. Trying to remember everything I typed was exhausting not to mention I wasn’t happy re-typing everything I started and I don’t want to feel like that. When I first started I was happy doing it and everything came to me so I had to take a break and reboot my brain for it. Besides that, I want to get another page up of my fan comic. I know it’s been too long since the last page was uploaded, but recently I was researching the art of manga paneling. And I’ll admit that comic is far from my best but I did enjoy making it without thinking to hard about the paneling, thought bubbles, etc. But since I want to get a little more serious with my art I figured I should render my studies into that good’ol fan comic. Especially since I got my tablet, I can sketch out the page in pencil and digitally ink it in and anything else extra that I want to with it.

Besides those things I’ve been researching and gathering as much info as I can about making good stories with plots, character development, personality physiology and what ever else I could get my hands on, that can use while I reconstruct my old OC’s and their comic. Not even a page was made for that XD. I’ll probably won’t put it up here since it’s my OC’s and not fan characters.

Okay I should warp this up; I don’t want to bore you guys to death about my plans and such. Oh and before I go I’m coloring some of my pictures so they will be up soon.

Have a good day loves!