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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

Happy turkey day post!

Howdy Ho!

Man, it’s been forever since I updated here. I feel so bad too, I really want to be active here but some days I don’t even see the internet (besides snippets in breaks). Then sometimes I been so tired I just skip over the computer all together and watch T.V or hang out with my boyfriend if he’s over. I seen a lot of pictures that I wanted to comment on too but I just don’t have the time. Not to mention I barely have time to sit down and draw, the most I do it the occasional doodle. Which is nice here and there be it is a tease to want to do something more advanced but don’t have energy to even think about it when you’re finally home. I REALLY want to draw and color…

Besides that things been fine. Work is okay, it’s a pain sometimes because every time we get use to something new to process, we get piled on with more e-learning’s explaining more stuff that we have to learn. We barely have time to get use to what we doing before we have to learn something else and get use to that. Yesterday was the last day of training and we had to learn a new system while we were struggling with what we just learned already. Totally epic how they expect to cram us with information. I just learned also that the normal training is 3 months long and that people wasn’t getting taught as much stuff as my group. They were compressing everything because of money or tax season were coming, I don’t know. In any event its craziness to expect to get real productive workers on such a horrible training cram-age. The trainers we had though been really good and I love them all to pieces, they understood where we were coming from. Its not there idea to cram everything, it’s the higher ups as usual.

Today though was a horrible day, it was our first time in the new system that we were “taught” and me and my friend really screwed up and almost cause something major if the audit team didn’t catch the mistake. WOW, I think that huge cram session did us some justice yesterday don’t ya think? Then I had a horrible outcall near the end of the day. I needed help and I had to get one of my trainers to help me and I had the client on hold for like 5 minutes. It was such a mess, at the end the client told me to have someone to call him on Friday. Which was my damn pleasure being that I sounded like a fool the whole time. Jesus Christ I HATE outcalls sometimes. Which resurrects my hated for people occasionally. I wanted to kill something after that. I was SO uber frustrated. Thankfully we had a surprise e-learning about taxes and dumb shit which they graded you on. Not sure if it counted though. And remember kids we never went over taxes in training so we had to find the answers in our online manual. I was so done after that… talk about stress… I know I couldn’t get out of there fast enough when they let us out early today. I was so thankful; I really didn’t want to sit there any longer.

Getting THAT out my system >__>… I’ve been active in my crafts. Not much as doing them but buying what I need since I have the money to do so. Mostly I’ve wanted to do the whole decoden thing. If you never saw it before it’s the most amazing thing ever! You decorate your items with rhinestones, fake sweets, and whipped cream. Since I saw it I wanted to do it but I wasn’t sure how to get some materials or how to do certain things. I did some major research on the internet (mostly at work har har) on it and got some awesome tutorials and tips on how to do it. Last week I got the everything I needed. Even though I made my cold worst by going outside to get the silicone it was worth it. On Tuesday I got an oil paint set to color the silicone too. This should be really fun for me.

So X-mas is coming and I got tons of things I want to give myself! I have plans on getting me a good digital camera on black Friday even though I work that day. My boyfriend said he’ll try to get it for me since by the time I leave work everything will be gone and stuff. Oh yeah, I forgot I got my boyfriend into vanguard! My supervisor that interviewed me said that they were hiring more people so I gave my boyfriend his e-mail. So now he has an interview with them tomorrow. He had one with them last week but the time where he got to the shuttle stop, the shuttles stopped running... GGGAAAAYYY… Anyway before I forget, the things I want to give myself!

• I pod touch/ Zune HD
• 72 copic marker set
• Playstation 3
• Canon Powershot 12.2 megapixels 3x zoom digital camera
• Money for the upcoming anime convention in January

I’m still thinking over the MP3 thing. Both of them have its pros and cons, I was going to get it on black Friday but I’m still not sure which one I want to get.

Okay I’m going to end this, I have to make sure I update here more often if I have the time. Oh, happy thanksgiving everyone! My mom is cooking right now and it’s a small meal with just me, sis, mom, and dad if he’s coming back over. I so glad because I hate when everyone is over and stuff. So goddamn annoying, and I love my little cousins but I hate kids soo I wouldn’t be much of a happy camper if I had my one day off just to deal with them all day long.

Everyone have a happy and safe thanksgiving!

You know what grinds my gears?

Overly provocative pictures…

This is not some site found on the 99 page on Google on search for anime porn people.

I don’t want to see some naked bitch with her legs half cocked open and barely covered. I know anime it known for this kind of stuff panty shots and half covered boobs and all that but come on… This is soft porn… And it shouldn’t be up on a site like this. Put that shit somewhere else, there’s plenty of places to do it.

Then people are fucking perverts/fave anything fan service related half nicely done. I don’t fucking care if you like to draw that shit but don’t throw it up on this site. It really doesn’t belong here.

A chick with unnaturally huge tits isn’t sexy.

I don’t want to see up their bat cave.

I don’t want to see their ass.

I don’t want to see them in a porn/hentai pose. Point blank…

There’s sexy and there’s superkawaiibigeyedboobedbitchwitheverythinghangingoutsparkledesu…

Thank you, and goodnight…

MEH... >___>

Hey all!

Well, its 7:44AM. At this time I would be on the train happily on my way to work, listening to music on my shiny new headphones. But do you know what I’m doing now? I’m still in the house looking how there was a fire on the R5 train (the one I need to go to work) on the news. What thee fuck!?... Not only that but septa goes on strike and now the trains are hellishly packed but NOW the trains will be at a stand still for hours and I have to go to work. EPIC FAIL…

Its going to take a life time to get to work and I can’t say F it because I told them I would be able to get there today. Its will probably be around noon till I’ll get there… I’m hoping, I don’t know what’s going to happen.

Anyway, I just submitted a new shiny piece of awesomeness Here, and if you didn’t see my other new picture “the flower prince”.

I’m currently obsessed with demons/incubuses now. After looking at some pretty awesome yaoi I’m totally on board. XD Now I got all kinds of concepts and characters in my head. I couldn’t stop doodling on Monday at work. I felt like I had to get this energy out my system. Even now I still want to draw. But I don’t know if should settle down or still be ready to head out because now the R5 and R6 are suspended… :/

Whoop de doo, the R5(6) service have been restored. See you guys later.

(I’m home now)

It was a long long day… I’ve left out around 99:30AM and got there at 12:45PM. I kinda felt like I should of stayed home because it wouldn’t be big deal if I did stay home plus getting there was a bitch in a half. But I am glad that I got there and caught up on the things I missed and stuff.

Once again I was itching to draw and doodled which I did. I tried different chibi styles which I wanted to practice on for a few weeks now also. I loved this new style I tried out I have to upload it soon. Other then that stuff has been okay… Septa really screw things up that makes it feel like I’m in wonder land…

That’s it for now. I have plenty of things to draw and upload so things shouldn’t be too dry on my end.

See ya!

A not so scary update

Hey all welcome back to the gate of Hades for another update! XD

Well, I just finish my second week of work. I’m getting use to the systems that we our working in. On Thursday and Friday we were doing real processing and it was a big mess. Everyone had questions and there wasn’t a lot of work out there for the things we were trained for so far. On Thursday we got out early because of it. Friday was much better but it was a lot of work that required outcalls. Luckily, I didn’t have to outcall the work I had. I also got paid on Wednesday… I like the numbers I’m seeing so I’m definitely going to do my best to stay here longer then the assignment is suppose to last.

And dig this. The public bus system in my city “Septa” is planning to strike today at 6:00PM if another contact isn’t made. We were suppose to know at midnight but they decided to push the time back to 6:00 which is really going to screw shit up if they decide to strike. I have to take the subway to get the train to work (the trains don’t get affected because they are on another contact thank god). My sister and mother are screwed up as well since they take buses and subways to work. I’m really hoping they don’t strike. The ONLY way I could get to work is to wake up earlier walk a good 20 minute walk next to a wooded area at 5-6AM in the morning to get to the nearest train stop. Anything could happen so both my mom and my sister don’t want me to do that. I don’t want to do it but I will because I need the money and I don’t want to have a crappy attendance record because of this.

In other news, I haven’t drawn all week except craptasic doodles during break. I’m so itching to draw and I had lots of ideas over the week too. I might draw some stuff out and hopefully post something this weekend.

I want to make another icon and graphics for my home world. I notice how it has none at all since I had it.

Oh yeah, I’m planning to delete my shugo chara world. It’s sad because I never donated anytime in it that and how this shugo party crap is a real disappointment in the fact you only get ten minutes worth of show. The show it self went down since doki. Don’t get me wrong I still love the series to death but the way they are doing the show now is ridiculous.

I think that’s all today, I don’t won’t to spam you guys with 2 pages worth of stuff.

Till next time!

Welcome to Vanguard

Will I just completed my first day of training and boy my brain is DEAD….

So many terms and departments and stuff… MEH… It is interesting learning what I’ll be doing which is processing clients requests and dealing with their money. Oh yeah it is an investment company. They do 401K’s, retirement plans, etc, etc… Not my cup of tea but whatever they pay well. And if I do a good job during my duration that I’m there I can get an interview to get a full time position… Works for me.

My trainer was nice enough to let us off an hour early since everyone was pretty much dead so I came home early. I’m concerned about how much art I can produce with this current schedule but I will get use to it and I still have the weekends. I also got more days off after the 5 week training even though I got to be there every other Saturday and have to be there a 7:30… Looking forward to that…

Whatever I’m going to stop complaining because it’s not that bad it’s just that first time hump. I can get use to this…

GOD was I nervous in there too… But I’m fine now since I’m home…

So I’m going to make my shrimp salad and play smash bros Brawl on the WII my boyfriend lent to me. CB

Oh yeah, I made another vocalnoid... A shota furry bunny boy that sings lullabies. :B