I've decided not to be year rep for one of my unis anymore

And it feels absolutely great. No more stress, no more ungrateful people to deal with, and all because I realized: why should I deal with rude people twice my age, when I can NOT deal with them? c: Win-win!

Warning: mild language.

Long story short, I've been Year Representative since Year 1 (now Year 3), and I've had it up to here with their antics and stuck-up attitude. Now, someone wanted to postpone the English exam (which would normally be on the 2nd of December*) for the 8th-9th, since the 1st is the National Day and, let's face it, everyone wants to stay the hell home/go on a trip instead of attending lectures. Cue obvious shitstorm fanned by people who can't comprehend that "going on holiday on the 8th-9th" and "having reserved plane tickets" aren't objective reasons.

Either way, I've given them an ultimatum: beyond the 10th of December, zero fucks will be given from my general direction about the Year Rep. I'll pack my proverbial shit and get the hell out of this thankless task regardless of whether there'll be a new Year Rep or not. I'm through with this crap and, let me tell you, haven't felt this good about myself in ages.

Bottom line:
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* it's a Sunday, but that's normal for distance learning
