21st of Nov. 2020: *checks watch* nope still not dead!

But wow man this place sure is a shadow of its former self *whistles*


20th of Nov. 2016: I'm not dead!

I'm doing OK, working and dealing with my mental health as well as I can. I won't be back here, though. I've started creating content for The Sims 3. As for anime, I've left it behind mostly.

If any of my old friends end up reading this - the years together have been great, and I still get nostalgic about them sometimes. Hope life is treating you well!~


8th of Nov. 2015: For anyone wondering what's happened to me

Simply put, I grew distant from TheO. The fine folks here have nothing to do with it, you all are still amazing (and I feel awful for missing so many birthdays >_<). Tagging on Minitokyo took up a lot of my time, and I gradually found myself visiting TheO less and less, until it got to literally months between visits. Hell, I don't even think I can remember my password, thank God Firefox has the option to save them.

I'm also not that interested in anime anymore - I mean, I like the style and still add to my collection of eye candy, but I don't feel the need to keep up with new releases. I've got my gigs of old manga and am pretty much satisfied with that. Art-wise, the same: haven't felt the drive to pick up or finish a work in months, probably as a result of my passion for anime fizzling out. I'm still playing The Sims 3, and have picked up Doom too (love them custom WADs!).

Anyway, if you made it this far, thanks for the visit. Drop me a line on Minitokyo if you feel like it.
Hope all is well with you, and a huge thanks for the support. Take care.

icon by Torao

Meme: 11 questions (yeah, me too XD)

1. You must post these rules. 2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal. 3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer. 4...

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Filler post? I think not!

...Or maybe it is, I don't even have the strength to rant anymore. I'm just happy because today I got the results from two exams I had to retake, which I passed! Two more left now =3=

Oh, and I've resorted to lurking these days; I still read posts/see submissions, I just have this overwhelming feeling of laziness and existential crisis...ism from being too repetitive in comments >_> Seriously, my comments are starting to sound like spam, so here's a question: should I revert to my "old" ways, with far less sugar coating and more bitterness serious critiques? I ask because it seems that whenever a post contains the slightest hint of me not liking something, people get all upset that I'm being mean and hateful ._. I'm kind of displeased with myself for always saying I dislike something about someone's work, because I'm 90% sure I come off as an elitist asshole.

Anyway, too much depression for a happy day post, so here's some HP funny (mostly directed at Sol 8D, because the Snape ones literally had me laughing out loud)

Moar awesomeness!


Now we're "hugging"? This is the same as those silly "press all the keys on your keyboard in reverse alphabetical/numerical order and the name of your mom's secret crush will flash on your kitchen wall" or "send this to X people or you're a bad friend/you'll get dead". I thought we weren't Youtube.

Please stop the spam, unless you want to get banned (but hey, it's your right if you want to). If you feel the need to hug someone, talk to them through comments/PMs and show them that you really care about them, instead of copy/pasting a message that's been around the internets 3 times and a half and doesn't mean anything anymore.
You don't need to hug me, believe me. And if you need to convince yourself of my feelings for you, check my icon.

Oh, and before commenting, please note that I'm not pointing fingers.

Meme: Hogwarts

Stolen from Saxxie 8D Please, you know I can't resist a meme. GRYFFINDOR: [x] You’ve never done illegal drugs. You have a l...

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Meme: yet another music meme

Stolen from here. RULES: - Put your music player on shuffle, and put down the first 40 tracks it plays. - You can repeat artists. - You CANNOT repeat songs 1. C...

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