Perhaps the Sea Isn't Just a Dream Anymore...

The loud knocking on the door interrupted my wishful thinking. It was only ten minutes to the wedding, and I could still hear Nellie scurrying around in the kitchen. The knocking persisted, and I heard Nellie's gasp.
"Nellie?" I called, and went to the top of the stairs. The Kudge Turpin had walked through the door.
"Sorry if I'm interrupting, but I heard my ward's sister-in-law was getting married. And this must be the lucky girl!" His gaze landed on me, and I felt a furious blush go up my cheeks.
"Uhm, yes, sir, this is Katherine, Katherine Harnett. Katherine...?" The unfamiliar name floated toward my ears and I jumped.
"Pleasure to meet you, uhm, I'm sorry, I don't seem to know your name." I laughed nervously, and he must have found my awkwardness droll.
"Judge Turpin of London." he 'introduced' himself, shaking my hand.
"Charmed." I said, and tugged on Nellie's arm. "Now, if you could excuse us, I need to go talk to Nellie in the kitchen." He bowed slightly, and Anthony walked in the room.
"Judge... Turpin!" he said, surprised. "I see you've met my... sister!" He put an arm around me.
"Well, you are my ward's husband and I heard news that your sister was getting married, so I invited myself." he explained.
"Nellie... to the kitchen...!" I whispered urgently, and she excused herself and followed.
When we made it to the kitchen, I sat down on the table and put my head in my hands.