I’m officially a Flynn fan girl. Well, I’ve been his fan girl since I’ve first seen Tangled but I’m now completely, utterly head over heels. ♥u♥ KYAAAA, HE’S TOO CHARMING, OH GOSH.

And I made my first motivational posters EVER! They’re quite fun to make, ohoho~ I also edited a few Flynn snapshots. And made some icons out of them too. And I’ve been sketching him A LOT. Yep, I went crazy. Haha~


The weather’s been extreme, very hot one day then very cold and rainy next. It’s been cold and wet and rainy for the past few days. Quite opposite before that, extremely warm. I might as well get a cold. xD Well I did, but it’s only for a short while, like, just in the morning.

And OH GOODNESS GRACIOUS, I think he got into one of my dreams too. xD Well, I dream almost everyday (okay, everyday) and usually I dream of something/someone I gave my attention to. I forgot what it was about though. xD I do remember this dream on the Prince of Tennis (I had no idea why, I wasn’t even thinking of that that day), Seigaku was in trouble and faced these evil tennis players and I was with them, probably their manager and we were away and stayed in a seemingly haunted place and all of the suddenly one of my besties came and I went with her and we hanged out in this very little eatery space and I met her friends that I never met before. Yeah, I made no sense, did I? xD

I had fun with my new cam, even did a cover but I am SO not putting it online because it sucks. If ever I do, it’ll be in photobucket. I might show ya if ya ask me. (SO DON’T ASK ME. 8D) And speaking of videos, my brother made two! They were so hilarious and they were nigahiga inspired (look for him in Youtube and you’ll see what I mean) and even said ‘TEEHEE’ in the near end. xD He did several characters, him and these two girls and used his shirt and pillow case as hair in one video and in the other, I don’t really understand but it was funny as well. xD My parents laughed at them too when I showed it. And oh, my brother wants to put them in YouTube. 8D Now should I or should I not? =w= They’re all gibberish (you won’t understand a thing, trust me) and is just downright ridiculous but are entertaining. :PP

I keep on watching the Kuroshitsuji Red Valentine Event and I just laugh everytime. xDD IT’S TOO HILARIOUS OH GOSH ♥

AAAAND watch out for the post after this. It's gonna be kinda dreadful. ._.
