AlexaClyne is a walking paradox and a frustrated artist who is easily excited by fangirl-worthy things... and dogs. She loves to have soundtracks to spice up her life and imagine herself in the movies/TV shows she has seen and loved. She is shy yet outgoing (a paradox, exactly), but can be anxious in social situations. She thought she wouldn't fit in the degree she took (Communication) but fell in love with it because she does enjoy writing and producing films or advertisements after all. She has a thing for scarves, long-sleeves and coats and wished that tropical weather would permit her to wear them the time.

deviantart. tumblr. twitter.tegaki.e. anipan. sketchblog. wordpress.


Heya~ I'm not quite in the mood to post anything AT ALL, or doing anything actually. Except playing Pokemon Pearl. I'm almost THIS close to get to Pastoria's Gym Leader!

My parents found out that I lost my Sony Walkman. D: It got stolen actually, I think. ;;__;; A few friends were over my house after watching Tangled in another friend's house. It was just going to be the girls but the boys decided to go with us. While we ate, they were using the keyboard or were outside and talked. My Walkman was just plugged in a wire so it'll play in the stereo but it's gone. I looked for it everywhere and when I cried some helped me look for it too. Everyone who I asked if they have my Walkman denied it and I just feel so bad about it because it's not even ours (mom's office bought it) and costs 4000 php *approximately around... $100+?* ;;___;;

Not feeling so bad about it now though.

We gave away two puppies already. Just four left. ;__; Bye bye Bon-bon, bye bye Pachii ♥ I cried quite a lot when we gave Bon-bon. x3 My parents kinda consoled me after she was gone. Hehe~ And I personally gave Pachii myself. I went with mom to her office with my brother. She even puked in the taxi! xD We caught it in a small towel though. :3 So no harm done~ ♥

We also visited my grandpa's grave. It was his 8th death anniversary yesterday and we left him flowers and candles. :3 I got to see Lovely *Beautie's daughter* again. She's a cross of Beautie, Handsum and Prettie! xDD Her fur's like Handsum's but it's color is of Beautie's and her figure especially the face is of Prettie's. A reason of her thinness is the fact that she bore 3 pups. I only saw one which is so cute and so round and too adorable~! x333

After that, we went to NEDA where mom attended a meeting and we just sat in a corner. My brother enjoyed playing Zelda while I doodled in a notebook. :3

Then we went by my mom's friend because they just opened an Internet cafe. :D We ate yummy food *oh mango float mmm~* and watched TV and surfed the 'net. :D I liked their old place more *I think they've just recently moved in too* because it was more refreshing than where they are now. But I think they're okay since it's their hometown. :P

Today, it's boring and we're just at home except dad who's probably giving lectures to his students. I'm still in my night gown and it's 7:30 PM already. 8D

Found it!

And where it has been all this time? Atop my room’s closet behind a few gift bags inside a translucent plastic bag xP The box of my tablet I mean. I had glued the tip so it’s pretty late D: But I don’t think I can change it since the very tip has broken off and there’s still a part of the tip inside the pen. OTL;

We went to the doctor to check my dog bite but everything’s alright, he said. :3 I also got a flu vaccine along with my brother. My dad’s hold on my cold hand was more painful that the injection LOL xD And brother froze. Like, LOL xD As for my cough, I was prescribed with 3 tablets (TABLETS OMG SO BIG BUT I MANAGED TO SWALLOW YAY) and a bottle of syrup. :D The syrup I DUN LIEKZ. After the doctor we hit the mall. :D

We ate lunch in a Persian resto, me and mom bought me two pink shirts, then played Guitar Hero with dad (IT PWNZ, AND I LOVE IT XOO MUCH) I bought me some paint. :D Tried it when we got home and I absolutely love it! Then we played Guitar Hero (again) and managed to get good scorez again!! xD IT PWNZ I SAY.



I'll NEVER follow mom's advice when it comes to gadgets, N.E.V.E.R.

I got impatient and decided to do what she suggested, glue the tip of the tablet pen in. And do ya know what happened? It DIED. IT WON'T WORK. BYE BYE TABLET. BYE BYE DIGITAL DRAWING. OHNOES I STILL HAZ DIGI COMMISSIONS. Unless I get a new one or a replacement for the pen (which I bet is hard to find unless I can order online, which I can't,) I'll never be able to draw digitally again, EVER. *dramatic* Dad said it must have short-circuited. OH WHAI DID I DO THAAAAAT, HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE I SAY.

Back to the ol' paper/pencil I guess. .3.

My traditional skills have dropped so I have to practice again. ;___;


Tumblr! NEW ICON! Something's wrong.

I got a Tumblr! :D I don't really know what to do with it though. xD Maybe put up something. :P

And kyaaa~ Tangled is just pwnsome ♥ So I'm using a Tangled icon :D

External Image


And what's wrong? It's just weird that after a I uploaded this:

to the Pray for Japan eCard challenge, it just disappears. In seconds. Or minutes. I already tried 5 times already for peat sakes, and on the first I was frustrated because my description was so long and i had to redo it. Good thing I saved it on Word this time and was right on doing so. WHAT IS WRONG!? D8

Puupuu chuupu nyuu <33

Lemme tell ya ‘bout me cuuuute widdle adoooowable puppehs and the three regular dogs we own. We’d probably give the cuties in a few weeks //;;n;; so I’ll make a post of them while they’re still here. :3 Prettie gave ...

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