Premium Business Cards or Free Business Cards - What's The Difference?

If you are in the business world, then you know the importance of having a business card. If you premium business cards interact with clients on a regular basis, then it is important to provide one so that they can contact you if needed in the future..

But now you have to figure out what type you should purchase. First, there are two main options - free or premium.

A free card generally looks... well, like they were free! This is not good if you are trying to portray a professional image. Most free versions are printed on low quality paper. In addition, many free versions allow printing on one side of the card and the company that you got them from many times advertises their business on the other side of the card!

Premium cards on the other hand, is the way to go if you are trying to portray a professional image. The main reason is because premium business cards can be customized and look very professional.

There are two main differences between the two types...

- A dead giveaway of having a free one is the paper stock quality

- Another huge difference is the customization that you have with the higher end version

One of the great benefits of using the higher end version is because of the customization that you can do. With this I mean, creating your own templates, making the edges rounded or not rounded. You can change the colors, you can change the weight of the paper that it is printed on. There are some places you can buy online that are metal, and some are plastic like credit cards - very unique ideas!

When you are customizing them online you can also use both sides of the cards to get maximum exposure, most free ones only allow printing on one side.

The finish is very important. When referencing "finish" this means is the card going to be glossy or matte? Depending on what type of business you are in, this can vary on which is preferred.

Personally, I prefer the matte finish so that people can write on my business card if they need to remember something, maybe write down my personal cell phone or something like that. With a glossy finish, it is hard to write anything on the card.

When you are looking to buy online, there are several options. The most popular premium business card online store would be Moo. These are very unique business cards that can be customized in very special ways.

Another popular place to purchase online is Vista Print and Overnight Prints. Both of these sites also offer free business cards, but remember, you want to show a professional image, so premium business cards are the way to go!
