Merry Christmas

It's a bit early (since it's only 1:30am) but Merry Christmas just the same. I hope all of you have a great Holiday. Texas decided to pull a whammy on me and it snowed most of the day yesterday. We only got up to about six inches of snow but for an area that doesn't get this kind of weather, it's a big deal.

I went out once to pick up my mail and then stayed home the rest of the day. They don't have snow plows here so several inches of slush and snow makes for slippery driving. I don't mind it myself cause I know how to drive in it. The people here do not and sure enough, I heard sirens during the day so accidents probably happened. To give you an idea I took a picture of my car all covered in snow:
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Anyway, I took a few pictures of stuff that James (SomeGuy) and Missy (Miss Anonymous) sent to me. I wasn't expecting it so they were awesome surprises to get in the mail.

The first was this little Chi figuring from James. Oh did I giggle when I opened it and realized what he had sent. XD
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The other is this little talking Hummy from Missy. It's sooooo cuuuuute. ;~;
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I gave both of them a nice place on my desk so I see them every day. Here's a picture showing the whole thing so you can see what I mean.
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I love 'em. Thanks so much for sending them to me. =3

And thank you so much to everyone who exchanged cards with me and let me send them cookies. And thank you for the cards and gifts done here at theO s well. All of you make my life so much better just by being around. I love you all lots and lots. *hugs*

Have a fantastic Christmas you guys. ♥
