No, You May NOT Pass Go

I told some people here I would make some avatars, so I've been hunting for the right image. However at the same time, I'm also handling submission approvals for Panda since she's out of town for a bit. So it might be a little longer until I get them done. XD I expect to have time this weekend to work on the images I've got so far.

Let's see, I also had a busy week with stuff around the site and I'm still not quite finished yet. But since I stayed up way too late, I'll wait until I get some sleep first. All of the stuff that couldn't wait is done. Though I'm sure there will be more waiting when I log back in later today.

Anyway, in closing, I'll share a fun image Des linked me to. :3

What made it ironic and pretty damn funny at the time, was I was literally in the process of freezing someone for having stolen over twenty wallpapers. Anyway, later. =P
