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[theOtaku: Beth | Aim: SunfallE | Hotmail: SunfallE]

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~Thank you Indi~ <3

Hooligan Spirit

I think I should start using songs on Pandora when I can't think of a title for a post. I'll just use what ever is playing. Which is what I did for this post. XD I really like the group Hybrid, I'd like to add an album or two of theirs to my music...

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Sharp Things Ahoy!

Yesterday was an exercise in clobbering my right hand. It started when I trimmed my nails and accidentally nipped into the quick on my pinky. Wasn't too bad since there wasn't any blood, it was just sore for a while. Well later on I was cut...

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I'm glad you all had a good Valentine's Day. Mine was nice too. I even got the misunderstanding worked out with the person who I said doesn't visit my world. I'm always glad to get things like that worked out. And the latest drama or thread that ...

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Happy Valentines Day

That's right VALENTINES DAY. None of this silly feel sorry for yourself SAD stuff. That's how I see it, I always have and I've been single more years than many of you have been alive so... ._....

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Impressions & OMG Friday The 13th!

Well I hope everyone is enjoying what day it is today. =P I know I'm laughing over it since I've never been superstitious. It's just a day like any other to me, always has been and I'm sure it always will be. It did get me thinking about ho...

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