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[theOtaku: Beth | Aim: SunfallE | Hotmail: SunfallE]

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~Thank you Indi~ <3


Since a couple of people were curious about the conversation that lead to my recent fan art which can be found here: ...

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I See You

No really, I do. o_O I was playing Portal last night since I was finishing up the advanced levels. I finally beat the last one, which was a pain in the butt. It's a level where there are four turrets and you don't really have a means to get rid of...

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Like The Average Stalker

I love when the weather finally starts warming up. I hate the cold, but I also hate how fruits and vegetables during the winter are so expensive. So I love when the transition to more variety and semi reasonable prices at the store begins. It make...

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Steal You Away

This week feels like it's dragging for me. I kind of wonder if it's because we got snowed on the other day and it's still snowing off and on. It's back to being below freezing again. Ugh. I want it to just turn warm and stay warm. Though ...

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Stripping In Chat... o_O

I have decided that Korey is the champ at wandering off and forgetting that he's still logged into chat. I've probably dressed him up a half a dozen times in pretty dresses to the amusement of other members. Last night was no exception. He said he...

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