Hiya! This is Fun In Sugar Berry Feilds! A place for anything fun! Ofcourse it must be Bleach, well, mainly Bleach related, so, since people were upset about Bleach Games! taking a plunge, this is the new world for all things silly! DO NOT CLICK <center><b><a href="http://www.geocities.com/lilndnplaya/noclick.html">DO NOT CLICK THIS!!!!!</a></center></B>

Hi There

Um, hello this is Rukia again, right nw Asagi has gone into a laughing fit and is laughing so hard that she can't speak, don't understand it though, she only saw a picture of my brother, I mean, wat's so funny about this? oh, and she wanted me to give you all this link: http://trescius.deviantart.com/art/Present-89540487

The Word Is "Priceless"


Ya' no, Asagi is one obseseive chick! (A/N: Who apparently shares her website with anyone who nos how to type, yes again this is Ichigo) I mean, so last saturday she watched the Diamond Dust Rebelion RAW! And today she watched half of it in subritles! Unfourtinatly (for her) the second half was deleted, and do you no wat she said?! "That's ok, I've already seen it and my questions have been answered, poor Lil' Shiro!!!" jeez, and THEN wen she saw that thing wen I was nocked out and Renji said he would "resesitate" me and then punched me in the face! She was woundering, "Now if Rukia had gotten to him first I wounder how SHE would've done that..." and ofcourse Rukia TRIED but Renji hit me before she could! That man gets on my LAST nerve sometimes! Oh, and speaking of the midget in question, look wat she did to me!!! That has GOT to be illegal somewere!

Hi Again!

Hi! It's Rukia again! I'm very chipper today! No why? 'Cause Asagi got her wig yesterday and nos how hard it is to see wen you have my haircut! Speaking of, should I grow my hair longer? Asagi says I should, but then, she LOVES haveing long hair! She won't even let you trim her hair! She's like: "No!!!!!!!! My beautifull long blonde hair!! Leave it alone!!!" She wants to look like that fairytale charector with the really long hair (A/N: She's talking about Repunzle) Any way, I want to thank the maker of this adorable little creation! It's SO cyute!! And um, don't tell him I told you this but... Ichigo DOES call me "Baby" sometimes "Rukia! Don't tell them that!" oopse speak of the strawberry! Gotta go!

This Here's Wat We Call HARD Country!

yeah, not alot of country music is like this, but this IS one of my favirote songs! I memorized it in about an hour flat! 0_0 Ichigo? Wat are you wearing?!