Hiya! This is Fun In Sugar Berry Feilds! A place for anything fun! Ofcourse it must be Bleach, well, mainly Bleach related, so, since people were upset about Bleach Games! taking a plunge, this is the new world for all things silly! DO NOT CLICK <center><b><a href="http://www.geocities.com/lilndnplaya/noclick.html">DO NOT CLICK THIS!!!!!</a></center></B>

Thanks For 100+ Hits!!!!

Thank you all so much! Hehe! Ok, here's the prizey, oh and there will be two of these


I was reading this thing on DA (a little comic strip) and it had Ichigo saying to Tite Kubo, "Um, Rukia kinda needs a vacation 'cause I sorta got her pregnent" and Tite is woundering wat to do without Rukia, well, this is the result, That explains the series! No wounder it's so long!


Alright fine!
1. I'm gonna post something funny wen I'm done with this,
2. I've ben looking at IchiRuki stuff
3. There's a pile of IchiRuki pictures next to me
4. They're there because I was chosing ones to post on Sugar Berries
5. I'm holding Aperial
6. I actually found theO through a link on DA
7. I'm glad I did
8. I found DA through a link on Ear-Tweak .com
9. I founf Ear-Tweak through google wen I was looking for Inuyasha lyrics
10. I'm glad this is over!

Now I tag anyone who has EVER read the Bleach manga

Poor Imouto Chan,

She's having a badday so hopefully this will cheer her up! And hopefully it'll work!

Tagged Again! Alright!

1. I'm watching Seinfeild right now
2. I just memorized the song "I'm With You" by Aviril Lavene about 5 mins ago
3. I'm gonna start writing another new fanfic in a few minutes
4. I'm writing 5 books at ounce and it's not easy
5. Umm, I love bein' southern so much I could sqeal
6. My fave couler is pink, Hot Pink
7. I just captured Aperial, even though she's fast
8. I just set her free
9. I think that the best pictures are the simpelicest, meaningfull of innocent beauty
10. I have a numeroligy problum; I don't like numbers that can't be diveded by 5 so that's why everything I do is rounded to the nearest 5, hehe

Now I tag anyone who likes this picture: