Hiya! This is Fun In Sugar Berry Feilds! A place for anything fun! Ofcourse it must be Bleach, well, mainly Bleach related, so, since people were upset about Bleach Games! taking a plunge, this is the new world for all things silly! DO NOT CLICK <center><b><a href="http://www.geocities.com/lilndnplaya/noclick.html">DO NOT CLICK THIS!!!!!</a></center></B>

Eeep! I'm Late!

I'm sorry that my updates are so late! I went to Borders and got my Twilight t-shirt then I went to Chillies and wen I came home I was reading the new volume of Fairy Cube that I had gotten! Anyway! Okkkkk! Time for funny Bleach stuff! Hehehe, probbably the only time I'll make fun of Rukia, but hey, she's the one being ridiculouse! Here's the dialog (for those of you who don't remember, Ichigo's body had been abandened) "Say one of those people came by," "Is he ok?!" "Waaa!" "Mercy me he's not breathing!" Those are the four pannels, oh it's funny! And someone actually DID do that! Wich freaked Ichi out beyond belief! He was probbably thinking something like, "The midget must be physicic!" hehe

Inuyasha + Bleach?

Ok, so, this is a funny picture, , this is the story of how I FOUND said picture: I found this on InuyashaWorld.com, why there are Bleach pictures on an Inuyasha website is a mystery, I actually found InuyashaWorld about 4 years ago, the first fansite I ever found, it's actually pretty cool, not to mention that I found enough pictures after only a few hours to make three Inuyasha posters, and then later I made two more posters with pictures from DA, back then I didn't about this site, now you would THINK that I had more Inuyasha posters than anything else,... WRONG! I have twice as many Bleach posters! Atleast! Hahahahaha!

Papper Work Is Dangerouse

I found this funny picture of Toshiro being burried in a pile o undone papperwork!

Look! IchiRuki Neko Neko Dance!

As if Ichi would ever do this! Much less wile smileing! This is on film, and Rukia is dead! Kidding!

Hehe, Look Wat I Found!

Byakuya with toddler Rukia at a festival, if things had been diffrent this mght've happened, I mean, if she was his actual sister he might've been nnicre, oh I don't no it's just kinda funny!