I Just Want To Say

Tahnk you so much, you guys really mean alot to me, it's a funny story, I actually joined theO for a freee wallpaper, I had no clue the impact it would have, you gyus are so unbelieveably specile to me, the simplist comment makes me feel so happy, I used to be bullied alot wen I was in school, I used to get Ds and Fs on my writings and told I wasn't funny, so wen I read that I made someoner laugh (or in a couple of cases cry) it just really makes me beam, I came here and thought that no onewould be interested in me at all, but I have 90 subscribers now and over 10,00+ hits on my fanfic world, it really makes me feel special, and I prance around the house everyday singing about how many great freinds I have and showeing off their artwork and writings, back before theO I only had three real freinds, one of them moved away about 3 years ago and it really hurt, I'm really happy to have you all, thank you
