Answers! And Notice!

Alright, quick note, since Write With Me! has gotten incredably long, (my goal to make it longer than the first one is way succeded) I am only going to add to it, I WILL NOT REPOST IT FOR UPDATES making that clear, and also, I don't no who would want to kill Rukia, figuring it out is your job! Because I have to type it, and also, I already no wat that little mark next to the snke bite is, sadly, you won't no untill someone finds a person wgho wants our little Rukia dead, anyway, now for the answers! Would You Rather... ok, Ginovaef wants Ichigo, I would like to shrink both their heads ands then make them shrink eachothers, but if I had to chose one or the other I'd chose Rukia because she always looks like she needs a hug, and because Ichigo is taller than me so it really wouldn't work too well, eh, anyway, if you haven't noticed already I am very motherly to pretty much everyone and I would love nothing more to mother those two, espically Rukia, and as I already said, it amazes me that she isn't missing a few screws in her head by now, she's completely sane wich is amazing to me, back to answers! Wat If...? 1. Nanao44 would laugh in the middle of class, eh, so would I, and I'd encourage Rukia to do the same, 2. In short Nanao44 would jump in front of Rukia and defend her, so would I, and I bet Ichigo would too, are you kidding? Ah, I can hear it now: "Ichigo! Why are they hitting me?" "Leave her alone!" and he jumps out and rescues her, awwwww! So cute! I'd love that! I was surprisingly good at dodge ball, we played in teams, I was always one of the last ones in because our gym was really big and I would stay in the corner were no one could hit me with out crossing the line! Haha! 3. Nanao44 would be the one to tape it there, Ginovaef would kick him and laugh, and me? Well, I would kick him so hard that he flew out the window! I can kick really hard, I just have bad aim, 4. Ginovaef would laugh and Nanao44 would post the film everywere, and I would show the film to Rukia and say, "Do you see why Ichigo is the better option?" and finally, 5. Nanao44 would post before and after pictures on the internet, I would wash out the Bleach wile lecturing her on not using products on her hair without mine or Ichig's permission, she'd say, "Wat about Orahime?" and I would repeat, "Mine or Ichigo's" because Orahime could easily turn Rukia's hair any possible couler, and FYI, it is very possible to Bleach your hair, accedentily, for example, she could have thought it was shampoo, she could have misread the directios, or, she could have gotten the wrong hair couler at the store, the possibilities are endless, now! Wat Happens Next? The answer is B! Both Nanao44 and Ginoveaf are correct! And finally, Who's Line Is It Anyway? 1. Youraweichie, 2. Ichigo, 3. Hanatarou, 4. Yumichka, 5. Uryuu, 6. Kiuske, 7. Nanao, 8. Rukia, 9. Renji, 10. Uryuu, you guys really need to work on these, but please, atleast guess!
