I'll be your downfall.

Yessss... half day, no school tomorrow, no school monday. Schweet. XD And Saturday is Prom. I'm more excited than I thought I would be. I just cannot wait. I love my dress, like whoa. T_T But I still need shoes for it.

RAWR.. I'm so tired. And my mom is trying to make me an appointment to get muh makeups done. We can't find any place that has room, because grr, she forgot to do it earlier in the week like i asked. u_u i hope we can find a place.

Woohoo.. its totally nap time.. so yes, you just sat through the boring rambling for nothing. So sorry XD

XD So I have my appointment to get muh face did. and muh hair did. Yess.. its the estee lauder counter. hopefully, it'll look fab. And I showed my dad my prom dress, and he liked it. Which is good, considering he's been giving me the silent treatment for a week now. But whatever. Tomorrow, I'm working with max's sister, honey, cleaning my car (eek), and all kinds of other cleaning stuff. So boringgg.. but I need to do it before Saturday, because that will be taken up with beautifying. (ALOT of work to do on that part -_-')

I took my nap.. and totally passed out on the couch. I woke up hanging upside down, off the couch. And oh! I got my shoes. XD They're cute silver slingbacks.. with clear heels. Hooker shoes ^_^ But I love them.. they make me walk all slinky.

Okay, so now I'm done with the interesting stuff. XD Ciao bebes
