That's what you get..

Haha, so I'm finally updating. God, I'm so lazy. Summer is like, halfway gone. It feels crazy, because I kind of feel like I'm going back for yet another year at high school. But I'm not. I'm an adult. How weird is that, right? So I'm looking for a job, and working on my plans for my life, and trying not to act like a child. I'm not so sure I'm good at the growing up part.

I'm turning in like, 13 applications tomorrow. O.O and house-sitting for at least one of the houses. I do both of them next week too, which is great, because I'm broke, I need a laptop, and a new phone. XD So yeah, my money is pretty much all ready spoken for. Gayyy. But you know, having a job will be great.

So yeah.. MB was back in town. That was amazing. Going to 'Barnes and Noble' was even more amazing. I missed them so freaking much. Butterfly, it was great to hang out with you. You have no idea. And I can't wait to sneak back out there. When I've got some money, we should totally hang out. XD And you can tell me how everything is going.

The AC upstairs and downstairs got fixed. I seriously wanted to cry. It's fabulous to not be sitting in 95 degree heat in your bedroom. ^.^ Anyways, I'm going to do summer school work, finish applications and get my things together for going to the house. Love.
