Where are you headed, my lost and lonely friend?

So I'm house-sitting.. in fact, I'm coming up on the last 3 days of this house. And I'm kind of glad. It hasn't been hard, but I'm ready to be back at my house every day. The money I make needs to go into a savings account, I've got a lot to save up for. A lot that I'd like to buy, but what I'm saving up for is more important.

There's college.. Yeah, I know butterfly, I'm leaving you.. but it's not definite, and I'd like to talk about it with you some time.. but no matter where I go, I'll be paying for it, and I'll need the money. Which reminds me.. gotta fill out the fafsa. >.< I hate paperwork. but that money will come in so handy. Especially since there is pretty much no scholarship I'll qualify for because my dad makes too much.

I wonder what it is about being (close to) 18, that makes it so difficult for peopel to take you seriously. Not only adults, but other people your age too. You'd think they would be able to believe you more easily. But alas. I think most everyone has decided that I'm sticking out the psychology deal.. but my next plan.. that one seems to be taking longer to stick. I haven't mentioned this before, probably because it only got the chance recently to breathe, and stretch out beyond the back of my mind and a very secret wish.

My friend Lindsey.. you know her, she and I are planning to start a bakery/restaurant sort of thing. Pretty much everyone whom I've told has either so oh, thats lovely (in taht sort of, youre so cute and silly, child, way) or.. you know, this will probably fail. God, no wonder people don't ever try anythign new. They always expect it to fail. But this won't. I _will_ make it happen. And I'd love to talk to you about it Butterfly, see what you think about it. I'm thinking Starbucks, or Barnes and Noble sometime. ^.^

That's my awesome overload rant/update.. because I've finally convinced myself to do it. So yes.. ciao
