We were merely freshmen

SO today was the last day of my high school career. I have exams until Monday and then I'm through for good. I was cool with it, I was varying between excited and apathetic until 8th period. And then I started crying. I'm not going to lie, I'm positively heartbroken to be leaving. There is a lot of me tied up in my school, and a lot of memories. I did a lot of growing up, and changing there, and thinking about leaving that part of my life for good is mind-boggling. I met some people I wish I could forget, and some I know I never will. I thought about writing letters to some of them, and I might even do that.. Kind of taking the letter to our parents and turning it into one to a friend.

There is so much to say, and I just don't know how to say it. So maybe I'll do those letters, because the words I can't say come out on paper like magic. It's like art for me. It's not just some words on paper; it's expression. So if you get a letter from me at school Butterfly, don't be surprised. Especially if I cry. XD

Umm, I am going to go and be emo, and then take a shower. Love~
