Musicfest Mayhem

So I left around.. 1 yesterday afternoon to head down to musicfest. It was totally awesome for pretty much the entire day. Saw a bunch of really good bands, and just kinda chilled out, walking down by the river and not thinking about anything very important. Good music, good vibes, and early enough in the day that there wasn't any pot out. (yay!) I saw muck sticky, some chickie hippie band, simple plan (soo good), and bounced between stages til seether started. I was planning on staying till disturbed, but something happened and i just wanted to go home. (Butterfly, I'll tell you if you ask me.) So I saw some of seether, and they were amazing.

I'm sick as a dog today.. like, killer. but it's just allergies, and that makes me feel a little bit better. T_T But now I know how you feel, doll. I just hate the air right now. I took a tylenol allergy to kill the headache, and get rid of the sniffles and cough. ^.^ At least it worked on the headache. But I just realized that it's a nighttime thing, so I'm sitting here totally exhausted because of muh drugs.

I got a lead rope on bella. Yay! She hated it, but hopefully I will be able to lead her soon enough. Anyways, I'm goign to go sleep this off.
