You're like my favorite damn disease

Yesterday was the art club thingie. We went to the dixon to see this exhibit that incorporated live flowers. Meh. It was.. interesting. The permanent displays were amazing though. The oil paintings were beautiful, and so highly detailed. Tres cool.

Afterwards, we went to Davis-Kidd Booksellers, and ate at Bronte. So tasty. For reals. THen Shin-chan and I wandered about, bought books and just goofed off like the publicly retarded people we are. ^.^ My tummy was not happy with how much I ate though, so I was not feeling good. However, I did buy a really good book. I love that bookstore. It was huge, and the selection was really wide.

Today is my moms birthday. I'm baking a cake, and attempting to make turkish delight. T_T I hope it turns out well. I really want it to. So yes.. I must go bake, and get all my stuff together. Much love,
