Hello, World

Man, I am terrible at updating this world. I have a lot of things happen and no time to write any of them down to share!

Nothing too huge has happened since last I wrote. I'm getting a taste of what being a manager is like and managing the current department I'm in before I get moved over to the new department. I like it where I am. I know what I'm doing and don't need help. It'll be an adjustment when I have to lean on others once I get moved over to the new department. But oh well.
And speaking of jobs, I got hired for a part time job at a better restaurant than where I was, so hopefully that means more tips and fewer sexual harassment incidents. Not sure how I'm going to like it yet. I start training in a couple weeks. So we'll see.

Other than that, not a whole lot to report. I've just been working.

I'm going to Vegas next month and Denver in June, and I got all the flights booked and everything squared away. I'm so excited! Can't freaking wait!!

Hope all of you are doing really well!
