News: Free Comic Book Day 2013

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Are you into comic books or are someone who has never read a comic book before but want to get into reading comics? Well, get ready for May 4, 2013 as it will be the day of the 12th Free Comic Book Day event. I recommend you visit your nearby comic shop on that day to see what free-to-read comic book one-shots may suit your reading tastes. Also, keep in mind that some one-shots are meant to promote upcoming series. If you're curious on what the event will offer, visit the Free Comic Book Day website, and while you're there, see which stores in your area will take part.

As for me, the FCBD one-shots I will keep my out for during that day are Superman Special Edition, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The New Animated Adventures, Judge Dredd Classics, and Sonic The Hedgehog/Mega Man Flipbook.

1:08 AM Canada EST
