Kanu Unchou Catgirl Figurine

While searching around the internet for Anime merchandise news, I have happened to find a photograph of what appears to be an upcoming figurine from Griffon Enterprises, depicting "Ikki Tousen" (Battle Vixens) character Kanu Unchou dressed up as a catgirl. Normally, Kanu Unchou appears with a more grown-up looking sexy appearance (counting her small shaped slanted eyes), but this is the first time seeing a figurine showing her with a much child-like face (not shape and scale per eye) and grown-up looking body apperance at the same time, and I find it to look so cute it makes me wish I could hug her, even though I never read or watched "Ikki Tousen".

This item is scheduled for release in mid-April of 2010. Anyway, here's a photograph of the figurine below. Enjoy and feel free to comment about this work of art.

External Image

News Source for Photo: Neko Magic

8:58 PM Canada EST
