My hands are frozen...

So its snowing where I am and I have to drive to school. My usually 15 minute drive took me 45 today. But I usually give myself an extra 15 minutes before class, and then I gave my self an extra extra 15 min. So I'm like 20 minutes early to my CAD 206 class. And I thought Id keep with my New Year's resolution about staying active on here.

This week I've been trying to stay off the internet as much as possible with the whole SOPA/PIPA thing going on. So with that I have a shit ton more time on my hands. So I decided to start FMA brotherhood. It starts the same as the original FMA anime but around episode 8 it takes a abrupt left turn. But I hate to say it. Its darker and grittier and I'm really liking it. But! I am not just sitting down and watching it. I have dedicated this time to cosplay. So I have started for reals on Canti 2.0, finished my Rickenbacker, and started on Naota's Flying V. If I finish Canti 2 I might complete the collection and make Atomsk's Gibson EB-0. But that's a lot for me so who knows. If I take more no internet days I might actually be able to do it.

Also just as a side note on the 18th the actual internet blackout day, I woke up at 6 for no reason, and watched FLCL 7 times. Like the entirety of the series. It was a good day.

So now that I'm back in cosplay mode, I have to say it feels really good.
