And Not A Single F%$# Was Given

This past weekend was, yes, another con! Anime Iowa!!! It seems like I've been going to a lot lately, but its fun. I mean isn't that why we all do them. Grant-it it wasn't the best con I went to, but still enjoyable. I once again went with Ryu, but this time we had a straggler come along. He is that "German friend" I always refer to. Ugh... Me and Ryu had made a bet with him, if he could make a good Commander Shepard costume in a month and a half we would give him a 60$ to spend in the dealers room, but if it sucked he would have to pay for half the hotel fee. But I don't know why I'm sharing this because it amounted to a tie and nothing came of it other than we now had to deal with him for a whole weekend. Blarg. Oh well. He did get a couple pictures, but luckily the bitches love Canti. lol So naturally my awesomeness out trumped him. YEAH!!!!

So we started our adventure on Friday waiting to pick up Ryu's friends. I feel as through we went through all our regular conversations just waiting, so we were afraid of what to talk about in the car seeing we already went through all our stuff. I do know I quoted Zoolander more than I usually do. lol So we got started on our trip with a car packed to the max. TO THE MAX!!! The trip was pretty uneventful I think... I don't know my memory sucks, so Ryu if you read please remind me if I missed anything. I do know my left leg was the numbest I've ever.. not felt it?? So we got out of the car and tossed our stuff on the curb. So I put on Canti's head and within 2 min of being out of the car 3 pictures. BAM! So we got to the room, my "friend" got his Shepard on and I Classy Fett and we went and registered. I now realize the importance of having at least one panel to go to, because there were no good guests besides kyle Hebert and he, like the theme for this weekend, did not give a single F%$&. lol So I was bored out of my mind. So my weekend was mostly stirring up shenanigans and walking around being awesome. during the mid evening break I switched to Canti. I met up with the red Canti I met at Acen and actually spent some time talking and just hanging out. Turns out he's a really cool dude. So yeah that was pretty much that. That night we also realized that the con would probably be better if we were drinking. It seems like there were parties everywhere.

Saturday we moved hotel rooms. And I put on Canti. And Canti was boss. I met up red canti again and we did some awesome posing and stuff. Did the fusion dance and made super Canti. The most memorable part of the night was our adventure to Walmart. Our group stupidity knows no bounds!!!!!!

G-"hey whats 12 times 8?"
R-"96, uh wait no thats 10."
C-"Well just add 16 to that. Wait no it is 96!"
G-"So whats 96 divided by 12?"
C & R- *deathly stare* "you effing kidding me? 8!"

Then we head towards the Steak and shake.

S&S lady-"Hi what can I get you today?"
R-"I would like a Wisconsin..."
S&S lady-"Would you like that in a combo?"
Ryu glares deathly at the board-"Let me finish, I would like it with fries, sans-drink."

Pull up to the window, pull up behind a car with the license plate WHOOPER.

C-"The Whooper? Sounds like a horrible super-hero."
R-"well they couldn't call him Swampass."
C-"Swampass strikes again! The town clamors for more swampass. The president greets swampass with open arms."

Oh good times. Well that was pretty much the highlight of the weekend. Prior to this I tried out classy Canti. It seems like my classy combos are a hit. I actually had a couple people recognize me from other cons. That was a pretty sweet feeling. Saturday night was the rave and I did that for a couple hours and around 2 got back to the hotel room. Went to sleep around 4.

Woke up at 8 and took a shower for like a half hour. It was kinda nice. to just sit there and think. Came to a vital thinking point in my life. I like it when I have shower epiphanies. So Sunday we just pretty much packed up and left. and that was that. Oh and if your wondering about the title that was the theme for the weekend in our group. And Ryu has a nice picture to prove it.

And then I threw it to the ground!
