Everybody needs Somebody

Well I'm kinda in a down mood. I feel whenever I go to someone for my anxiety and depression I just get more depressed and aware of my current situation. So I actually finally went to a doctor, but it was to get a refill prescription for my anti-anxiety medicine and it turned into like a 4 hour ordeal. AS I mention awhile back I hadn't been able to sleep do to a sharp pain on the left side of my body near my ribs. I had briefly mentioned it to my doctor, so he naturally checked it out and noticed some issue. He excused himself from the room and after a while a nurse came in and asked me to follow her. We headed to the back of the office and entered an X-raying room. I asked what was going on and all the nurse said is that they would really like me to get an x-ray. So I didn't feel like dealing with any argument and went along and got an x-ray. After I got the x-ray, my doctor finally came back, He so nicely pointed out that I had cracked my rib and it was pushing into my spleen and was causing so serious damage. So I went to another room and they did some sonicing or something to help reduce the swelling or somecrap. I don't know the fine details, they gave me some awesome medicine though. So now I can't move for awhile. And that is just great. And for some reason I am just really down. I feel its because it would be one of those times where a girlfriend would be awesome to just lay and watch tv with you. But now I am alone and unable to move. Looks like I'll finally watch Torchwood. Sorry, like I said, really heavy medication.

I originally had the blues brothers version of everybody needs somebody, but thats not working. But if you want to listen to the song anyway here.
