Caution Large Post on the Horizon

This is a precursor to my labor day weekend stories and the start of skool. Yeah thats right skool. And I figured I'm and interesting enough person so why the hell not. So I'm am going to get into my writing mood and begin these long tales of Carney. And I will call them Carney Wars... No, no, thats not right. The Carney of the Rings? Nah... Well forget the title it'll come to me later.


I want to begin but Ryu is sitting across the room looking at me after he walked into my house and scared the shit out of me. Soooo It begins with the start of the skooling, and I'm aware I'm spelling it wrong. I just hate it that much. Anywho, Skool started couple weeks ago and its going pretty well, although I feel physics will kick my ass. And with the start of skool thus reboots anime club with Ryu still as president... FOR NOW!!! Nah. I'm not going after his spot I sucked enough as secretary. I have a good feeling about it. Lots of cool people. And we now make it a policy to draw on the white board and it gets ridiculous. There are tons new people and I'm less socially awkward.

Quickly throwing it out there I really want to go a convention, but I think I don't have enough moneys for Youmacon. NEED CON!!!

Well over the weekend it was my cousin's wedding so me and the family shipped off to Massachusetts. We left Thursday night at what was supposed to be a 8:30 pm departure. We ended up leaving at 12:30 CT and arriving at 3:00-ish ET then actually getting to my grama's house at 4:07 ET.. I met some nice people sitting across from me seeing as though there was a seating debacle of me sitting alone rather than by the rest of my family. Oh well...

Well I looked at my laptop and noticed no battery so I will continue later....


And We're Back after a large computer debacle that prevented me from actually sitting down and finishing this. And I realized I used debacle in my last paragraph. Do I like to say debacle? Perhaps. Anywho..

So where was I? Ah yes the seating DEBACLE. Me sitting alone can add up to some pretty weird stuff. I tend to start getting a wee bit crazy when the midnight hours come along. So I began to talk to complete strangers sitting across from me. If you know me, me talking to unknown people is something that NEVER happens I'm that quiet guy in a crowd that no matter what I will not speak. So while I'm talking to these people my brother-in-law begins to get bored so he texted me he's bored, so I texted back if he wants to play star wars trivia. My first question was; what is this vehicle :=8{.}8=: Its an X-wing, and its clever.

To push the story along we land at like 3:00 am Eastern and get to grama's round 4, as said previously. That was Thursday night Friday morning. Durning the day Friday was uneventful we slept till 12 and went to the wedding rehearsal. My brother was apart of the wedding. Nothing exciting played solitaire on my iPod for the entire thing. Followed up by rehearsal dinner. That was interesting. Caught up with my cousin thats the same age as me that lives in North Carolina and learned that he's taking a semester off to Dj professionally. He's a Mechanical Engineer major thats Dj-ing.. The hell. I can't get away with that shit, I wish I did.

Saturday. Ah yes Saturday. The best day out of the weekend. So Saturday was the Family reunion/wedding picnic thing. So it was a party just full of family, friends, food, fun and the piece de resistance, beer. A local brew that my Uncle's friend professionally brews. There were 3 kegs and so me and my cousin gladly helped ourselves. But you see in my family 3 kegs gets you nowhere. They had to get another one eventually. Good times. There was a Home made slip n' slide there that ramped down hill. That was awesomely dangerous. You picked up so much speed on that thing and it led pretty much right into the field house thing/shed. Played some bags and realized I suck at it and is only good as a distraction. But the night ended on a downer when my mom fell down two flights of deck stairs and bit a hole through her lip. It wasn't pretty, but she didn't care about the hole in her lip she was more concerned with the fact she thought she lost a filling in her tooth. Well I guess thats what happens when you a dentist. She got patched up and is all fine and dandy now. Made good stories for the next day at the wedding. Ha.

Sunday. Sunday was the wedding and well it kinda sucked. The ceremony was nice and I helped my bo-in-law and sister professionally film it. Except the professional photographers were and are to this very minute ASS-HOLES!!!! They blatantly would walk in the frame and stand right in front of the cameras. Just giant asses. The reception was boring for the fact I'm in that awkward age where I'm not a kid so I don't think they new and exciting and too young to got to the bar and get a drink. So yeah. The music sucked and it was nothing I could dance to except Cotton-Eyed Joe. I always bust a move for that song and busted out the orb for Sandstorm, but all the other music was crappy hip-hop and boring ass country (my cousin is a self proclaimed redneck). But it was nice seeing everyone again and occasionally making an ass of myself.

The flight home was on time and everyone went back to their normal lives. And that leads up to yesterday in which I so joyfully dropped a 70pound Tv on my hand and an edge of my stairs. So I'm in a nice ace bandage unable to do pretty much anything with my right hand. It kind blows like typing, drawing, writing, and even playing video games. But despite hurting miserably I do them anyways. Ha, oops. But in my broken state I have began to draw Gundam Dynames on my 3D program. I'm really good with bodies and such but the heads!!! Oh dear god the Heads. I kinda suck at them so Its gonna take some time but I think it'll turn out nicely.

Well you may resume your lives and I appreciate you reading my life stories because I like sharing. Though my next post will be something nerdy because I keep it real here on theO.
