Mobile Suits and Multitasking

I am entering rant mode and its gonna be about anime for once.

I awoke this morning feeling a bit draggy and and under the weather. I was supposed to mow the lawn, but luckily a storm had come and taken care of that. But I still wanted to feel productive so I decided to do more cos work. I have a problem though. I have to have something playing music wise or television or movie. So I decided to put on Gundam 00 with english dub. I had only watched one episode of the English and it didn't have a lot of talking so I didn't have that much of an opinion.

So I put it on and zoned out a bit as I was hacking away at the computer case. I made a grave mistake of refocusing on the Tv.... @$#@$!!! ^&*%$!!!! WHAT THE HELL!! I have heard some bad voice pairing, but wtf Sunrise. They took some of my favorite characters and just F$@$^&% butchered them. GAAAHHHH!!! Its aggravating how awful they are. Seriously how??? Its killing the series for me a little. Its times like this I fully understood japanese.

I do have to say though, it helps when you have a saw in your hand. HACKSAW, HOOOO!!!!
