Doing another Tag.... Black Lagoon

Chosen Anime: Black Lagoon

Favorite boy: Benny

Favorite girl: Revy (Not many girls)

Favorite song: ..... Music??? Don't know... hmmm

Favorite weapon: custom-made stainless steel 9 mm Beretta 92F "Sword Cutlass Special" pistols

Name you like to go by: Uh well, Carney... people don't call me much else

Character you feel sympathy for: Rock

Character that acts like you: A little of Rock, nervous bit quiet... And Benny for the love of computers and tech, oh and being a smart ass

Character that looks like you: Leigharch... Both crazy Irish

Character that would make a good brother: Leigharch... Pretty much like my brother already

Character that would make a good sister: ....... Lady Belelaika.... Not many girls *All evil ladies*

Character that would make a good father: Dutch, he's a straight up G

Character that would make a good mother: ....... I really don't know????

If you could be any character who would it be?: Tough.... Benny or Leigharch

Character you wish to kill: The f-ing vampire twins... Creepy as hell

Which language would you speak in: English... Irish twang

Where would you live: Roanaper

Sum up one personalility word for yourself: Crazy!!! No but seriously whats up with this question

Favorite evil character: Ahbe... Not really evil, just a Nazi
