Marvel Movie Madness

Caution! The following post might be long as balls... or not. Haven't decided yet.

So Once in a while me and the broskey whip out the DVD books and take out anything that has the Marvel logo on it. Originally we did on lazy Mondays that we both don't work on, but now we both work 10 hr days most the time so its hard. The point I was going with that was with the title. It was originally deemed Mundane Monday's Mega Marvel Movie Madness. But now we do it when we can. So we booted up the Marvel Madness last night, starting off smooth with some Iron Man. Then we watched Blade I, II. If you've ever seen Blade II you know Blade has to team up with the Blood Pack, a group of vampire hunter specifically trained to take down Blade. Well I always liked the Scottish vampire, Priest. He seemed awesome and just liked him for being a Scot. Unfortunately he dies first. But some daunting reason I swore I've seen him somewhere else. Well I have he played Vincent Van Gogh in Doctor Who. And Vincent and the Doctor is one of my favorite new episodes. So win for me. Then that got me thinking who would win in a fight Blade of Mace Windu... I get weird thought tangents like this.

Anywho moving on. This morning we booted it back up 9am Central time to watch Blade: Trinity. I love the Blade movies, so bloody so gory. Thats how Vampire movies supposed to be like, not some mushy, crappy story. BLOOD!!! Anyway We then watched the good Incredible Hulk. Better than the Ang Lee directed, and Eric Bana one. But it still seemed a bit lacking, but it is still so much better. Then we popped in X-men Origins: Wolverine. I love this movie but I hate it so much. I love that they tried to do an origins story. I read the Wolverine Origins Story comic and its one of my favorites, so the movie was a let down. Also the visuals pissed me off. The claws looked like they were made for a Sega Genesis! Oh well. There's a Deadpool movie coming out of it.

Now I am trudging through the X-men Trilogy. Thats my shpeel.

But seriously who would win in a fight Blade or Mace Windu.
