
The title of the post really doesn't have anything to do with what its actually about. Well actually a little. So I apologize to all those reading, but I'm going to put on the heaviness.

Lately I've been going through a funk. Its mainly due to the fact that I am very isolated from other people so I don't really express my emotions. On that note on September 25 my good friend and teammate died in a car accident. Though I felt like he was more than a friend. Me being a hockey goalie, he was one of my defensemen. He was actually the best d-man I had. And when you're a goalie your defense becomes your last hope and best friends. When he died I was so wrapped up in school and other shit in my life, parents divorce, mom's cousin dying, I didn't really have time to sit down and really reflect on what happened until recently. School was coming to an end I didn't have anything better to do but think. I visit his grave every week, but the past time I went I snapped. I broke down and went nuts. I've been in a dark place lately so I really haven't been doing much.

On a brighter note the Blackhawks are going to the Stanley Cup. I'm pissed its against Philadelphia though. I was really rooting for Boston, but when they blew it I then was cheering for Montreal. Oh well. I have tickets for the first game on Saturday, so I am starting to be in a better mood. Also in light of the hawks winning I am announcing my return to the Hockey world. I haven't really played since my friend died so it should be interesting.

And last an update on the Lego Tardis. Pretty sure a lot of you forgot, But I just ordered the first set of doors and they shipped out today. Grant it it set me back 200$ but it should be worth it.
