My name is Carney, a ridiculous name for a person in my opinion. I am a man of many a tale. I have some awesome brain tweaks that make my life very interesting. If you are tuning in to my world for the first time you will realize my love for Doctor Who, Venture Bros., Metal, and anime (derp). But I enjoy mostly old anime, but time and again I'll find something very interesting that's new.

[Still working on awesome banner to insert here]

These are the different sides of me:
1. I am a hockey goalie. I live, breathe, and sleep hockey.

2. I am currently employed by Lego and have a NonDisclosure Agreement with them.

3. I enjoy cos-ing and would always love to do more so of it.

4. Hardcore gamer. Love games, but low cash flow.

5. A damn good looking dude. Maybe. Probably.

Ben Kenobi: Private Jedeye

How I Am...

After dropping off the grid for a week was nice and I really needed it. Thanks for all the messages telling me to keep my head up. They were really nice to read and it was exactly what I needed. The funeral was nice and I got to hang with ...

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I love you Grandma... RIP

Caution: Explicit material. And This post isn't a slander about people's religion. It is just my opinion and how I feel. ...

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World Change..

Well seeing as though my World name was a tad weak and my Doctor Who love has lulled in the off season I thought I should change it up a bit. And my love for the Venture Bros. has thoroughly peeked I'm changing a bit to that because I'm unoriginal and can't think of anything.

Quick insight into THE MIND OF CARNEY!!! I'm beginning to work on a new writing project that will be deep and meaningful that I wish to share with everyone. So look on the horizon for 'Carney with Carlin'...


So it's October and that means one of my favorite months. What's better than spending an entire month watching terrify-ly cheesy movies and listening to good dark music. So In October spirits I will try to post something once a week drawing more into the Halloween spirit.