
This week has been so long and tiring....this is suppose to be my Spring Break and all I've done is lift furniture, clean, do homework...but in reverse order. I have had a headache for 3 days now?...I think so Dx
My internet is moving so damn slow that it's irritating me...I think one of the reasons as to why I am so crabby lack of food consumption.
I only weigh...not even 100 pounds but I eat like 4 grown men!! >:3
With us moving and lack of money we have cut back on food....a I only really get to eat lunch...which is in a cup...which isn't very filling...and for dinner....ramen in a bigger cup...still not very filling...(I mean I honestly shouldn't be complaining cuz there are people out there that don't even get to eat that much...but..still...)
I'm use to eating like 20 times through out the day...
~moving along~
my internet, cable, and house phone are all going to be cut off to day at midnight...not to mention that I don't have my cell anymore....

You know what that means?

--I'm gonna miss Saturday morning cartoons and Toonami..and my Sunday night programs...and other junk I entertain myself with on T.V.
--I'm going to have to go to the library Dx ...I hate using the computers at the library...they're soooooo slow and you can only be online for 1 hr Dx I can't get my school work done in an hour Dx now I'm gonna fall behind.

But worries...right?
I will try to just...keep my chin up..cuz I know things will get better!
ಥ_ಥ I will survive!

~CrimzonN3k0 z~
