Round 10

Please read the rules~ Welcome to round 10! Icon requests for rounds 6-10 close on Sunday [July 31]. Instead of replying to all of the comments containing requests, any requests made for the previous 5 rounds will be completed by Monday [August 1st]. So please check then for your icons. Tomorrow will be our second recap post! Who do you all think is in first place? XD Good Luck!

Well that could have gone better on the technical end, TheO kept going down today in the middle of this round :/ But besides that, you all did fantastic! Don't forget about requests closing! See you on Monday for our second recap!

Completed! All differences have been spotted!

As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~

Hanako Sho: Tie is different, Missing cuff, Missing line on stockings - 3 Icons
Hulaberry32: Headphones are a different color, Trollphones, Missing line on badge - 3 Icons
Felcie: Missing blue spot on jacket, Missing belt loop - 2 Icons
TwinkLes: Missing gold line on jacket - 1 Icon
MikuBerry: Boy has different eye color - 1 Icon
