Round 2

Please read the rules~ Welcome to Round 2! Will the winners from round 1 please contact me with their requests~ If you won and don't want any icons, that's fine too, you can have bragging rights instead~ ;D Maybe I'll keep a record of how many requests someone has if they don't use them and if they save up 10 maybe I'll change it to a card request, or 20 for a wallpaper. What do you think? I'm still working out the kinks and such for this so if you've got any suggestions let me know~ I mean you're the ones doing all the guessing :P I tried to make this one hard so Good Luck!

Completed! All differences have been spotted~

Ok, that was too easy, one of these rounds I'm going to completely stump you all! I think I'll have to to a bonus round maybe on Sunday since this one ended so fast~ Winners can leave their requests here or PM me~ See you all Sunday for a Bonus Round!

As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~

TwinkLes: Her scarf is shorter, Trollface, No leg bands on the boy - 3 Icons
Ritona Raito: Missing lights, Hair tie is a different color - 2 Icons
ItachiSasuke: Missing belt loop, Shorter hair on the girl, Missing chain on guy's pants - 3 Icons
Felcie: Red earring, No white on handle of girl's weapon - 2 Icons
