The second Tsubasa Shunraiki oad is OUT! No subs yet though -_-'

Let me first say, I was appreciative of the flashbacks, but personally wished there had been more. The animation and effects with music were better in this oad than the last one and much more interesting, but still... it could have been a lot better in my opinion. When syaoran stabs sakura in the shoulder, to me it seems awkward, like, " I'm going to stick my sword right- here. There." The power behind that was lacking. I back track now to revelations when Fai turns into a vampire. He makes some moans and whimpers, but no screams. NOT CONVINCING. Same with sakura when she gets stabbed in the heart by the two syaorans. I needed sakura to at least appear like she was in pain. Now, when Syaoran screamed- That I could believe. The tortured cry was perfect!

The parts of Shunraiki that seem to drag are when only one or two characters are talking for a whole minute, or when a still screen is shown. I wanted more flashbacks that flowed. They could have done a lot more with showing animated flashbacks while the necessary dialogue was being given. Of course, it could be that it only seemed dull because I couldn't understand Japanese XD.
In any case, I'm pleased to say that I cried during this OAD and that I watched it three times in a row. As for the first Shunraiki, I was glad I saw it, but I probably won't watch it again for a while, in less I want to see Fai crying over Kurogane, or Fai punching Kurogane.

The battle scene between the two syoaran's was epic. Oh! And I SAW KYLE!!!!
I am very pleased that the OAD was almost a mirror image of the manga, though some parts I found were less dramatic than the manga, and that some pictures seemed rushed and half heartedly drawn. But, perhaps that is only inevitable.

Overall, I give Tsubasa Shunraiki an 8.5/10. The last OAD I rate a 6/10.
See Part one.... here!

part 2......

part 3...........

enjoy! All videos uploaded by: SakuraClon
