i feel like a pedo. D:

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time: 9:23 PM
music: Song for me - Ohno Satoshi (♥♥♥)

Sometimes I wonder what my mom thinks about me....-___- I'm a 17 year old MEXICAN girl who has stuff like this and this and this and sometimes this too on my screen way too often. [ok, i really just wanted to share those. xD] But really....it's kinda weird. D: If you look at my room you'd think you'd entered some asian teenager's room. (for the ones who don't know - i have JE and DBSK posters on my walls...and closet. D: over a dozen...^^;) And I've been bugging her forever to let me take japanese classes. Finally let me. :D I is happy!!! HAPPEH!! now i might be able to learn to understand my bbs!!! Still... it's weird. D: WHYDIDTHEYHAVETOBESOBEAUTIFUL!?!?!?!?!

Ok, I was pretty down today but after watching SHINee videos I cheered up. ^__^ Awwwwwwww, ILOVETHEMSOMUCHNOW!!!! Love them more than DBSK now. I saw the pedo light. So sorry for not commenting. ;___; I fail so much. I'll make up for it this week. *nods*
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OMFG!! CHAGMIN MARRY ME NOW!!! ;___; no...i'm a married woman. D:
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OMG!! My crush on Taemin is growing so much lately. D: WHY IS HE SO CUTE!?! And why am I so old? ;____; What, he's 15? *cries* I've been watching SHINee stuff lately, oh em geeeeeeeeeeeee (gee gee gee, baby baby *slaps herself* NO.) he is da cutest this EVA!!! EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! He awakens the inner mother in me.... and the inner pedo. D: BUT!!! I'm illegal to so.... I'm not a pedo right? Not until Nov. 16th when I turn 18. That day...I WILL BE A PEDO!?!?! o_o NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! DOESN'T WANT!! WHERE'S PETER PAN DARN IT!?!? I don't want to grow up!!! but i sure what him too. Chinen crush is growing too.

BIG PICTURE CUZ I FEEL LIKE IT!!! ISN'T HE SO BEAUTIFUL!?! Chinen, stop it w/ the growing up.............you make my crush grow. D: Another 15 year old! Bad time to be 17....bad time. SOMEBODY FEED ME SOME OLD HOTTIES BOW!!!! No more little kids. ;____; No more. i need nekid toma. o////o

I'm late to the party but........I'm in love w/ Utada Hikaru's Simple and Clean song. I KNOW, LATE...but...I like. D:

Meagan, Can I have your number? OMG!! I ♥ MadTV. xD

Enough rambling. I love you all. I'll make up on commenting soon. :3

