
HELLO!!!!!!!! I'm sure most of you are WIDE AWAKE today....you may not be on the site [b/c unlike me you have a life. ^^; ... ok, normally I have a life...I've just been anti-social-ish lately. HEY!! But I don't mind!! Gives me more time to be w/ you. ^___^ And my obsessions. :3]
It's 12:30 AM...I was planning on doing this earlier but blame my photoshop for freezing up and not working ^^; and me not being able to choose a picture. T^T

External Image
*hugs* Thank you for supporting me so much this last year. T___T It really made me happy. Thank you for the comments and the love. I'll try my best to repay you somehow. ^__^ [I'm staying up and commenting non-stop for the next 3 hours. O__O My eyes already hurt. ^^;] So work hard!!! *copies Arashi's pose* YEAH!!! *sniffle* The boys that stole my heart...I miss you, anime!! T_T

Thank you for anyone that reads this. ^___^ I'll make a real post on myO ... sometime this week. By Saturday for sure. ^^; Been kinda lazy.

Happy 2009!!

Our friendship :3

I'll be there for you!!!!!!!!! Cuz your there for me too!!
(How come I can see some of us doing those stupid things. ^^;)

I'll work hard to be a better friend. ^__^

12:37 AM
