catch up

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Happy late Halloween!! Yeah...I didn't make a card at all this year. But I made 2 last year so if you just HAD to have one from me, there you go. Although I'm telling you this really late. *sweatdrop* I might make one for Thanksgiving...if I remember my idea.

Why am I updating...b/c it's been almost a month and I thought I should. =/
*runs off to change theme*
That took longer than I expected. ^^; Rawr...I wished the top pic could be larger!!! Yes, Arashi theme again. Is it too late for a fall theme? o__o Is it!!!!?

I want to change myO layout now...NO!! Must make theO layout feel special!! Still like that one more. Not enough flexibility here.

So tell me, how's life been? >_<

Not much to say....*twiddles thumbs* ... Ah...Are they really make that Death Note movie re-make in America? I heard rumors but I don't know if it's true. I hope not...we'd kill it. DX

CUTEST THING EVER!!! There she is!! I want the 5th part!!!

Sorry for wasting your time. *bows* Have a great month!!! See you next month!! [Yes, I'm going to make it monthly. MyO = weekly, theO = monthly, nice system, huh?]
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Nino-chan!! I love you!!!

10:42 PM
Day-light savings day
