Some Random Stuff to Say, Basicially

Hola, everyone, how goes life?
Typicially complicated, I'm willing to bet.
Thats how my life is right now. Though the stuff that's complicating it are probably too minimal yet deep to share on here.
Basically, Im bored.
Yeah. Ever since school ended I've had zero motivation and I miss my buds.
So I've been sitting around and looking through old notebooks, fiddling with my guitar, and eating.
We were gonna leave for the Sand Dunes today and have fun and stay there for four days, but that got canceled on account of the fact its gonna be rainy in the dunes.
No fun, right?

Though I am working on some stuff for a Heterochromia contest, I had one lineart which was a close-up of a face, but it looked too much like me so I ditched it, and then I did a full body shot in COLORED PENCILS! but I messed up the arms, so I'll get that up on Friday probably.
And then I might try a close up again, Idk...
So yeah.

Boring, right?


Awesome pic from graduation I found lying around on Facebook.
The one with the dark hair and glasses is me, obviously.
