Chicks, Uncles, and Camping


So, yeah. As some of you might know, I live in a farm house and I have a barn in which live some barn animals (i.e goats and chickens).
However, in the past half year or so all of our chickens except two have been massacred by vermin. So we only have two left. So We got MORE!
25 more. And they're only chicks right now, so they're tiny and cute and fuzzy.
And then my Uncle was supposed to come visit from Indiana but he cant come today, so he's coming tommorow.

tommorow I'm going camping with three of my friends, as a belated birthday celebration. And then I'm going to one of the aforesaid friend's house and biking to an ART FAIR!

So yeah, I got some stuff to upload.

Heres a chick.

