Here's How I am Recently Roll (or, the Aftermath)

Okkey dunkey.
How is everyone doen about now? Good? Great? Suicidal?
All of the above?
Anyhow, you're gonna have to sit through this anyway.
Okay, here's a litte list of what I got for my b-day.

1. A CD.
2. A CD.
3. A CD.
4. A book.
6. A t-shirt that says "Play Drums" even thoough I DONT...
7. YUMMZIES Japanese candy.

Thats that. And then, the day after the day my Aunt came up from Minnesota.
Shes a proffesional photographer and is really interested in art and so are all my siblings, so it creates a good vibe.
On July 9th we went to the University of Michigan Museum of art.
WHICH WAS GREAT! I saw this great artist named Matt Saunder, check 'im out.
The day after that we went to this thing called the Armory Arts Village which is basicially an artists living quarters ex-penitentiary. So we took a tour of that place, and it was AWESOME!

I want to live there...

So yeah. I'm working on a new piece of art and I have plans in mind for another one. Im almost done with one, and I should be able to up it today.
Okay. Thats that.


Or suffer the wrath of an angry lad...

The Japanese candy...
