Just Pickin' Fights Everywhere . . .

Hello world.

Life's been pretty straight forward these days. Hung out with the nephew a bit (kid's starting to look less like an alien now), survived Chinese New Year, paid my bills, played a bunch of The Old Republic.

Still loving that game, by the way. Tons of fun and I'm actually not sad about the monthly subscription deal. Go fig'.

The semi-diet and the workout routine isn't hardcore, but it's steady enough. Over at the one blog at this site, our good friend amenonine has been kicking all kinds of ass doing the Jillian Michaels 30-Day shred thing (I tried it a couple times - I could see it working). Myself, if we don't have a gym day, I'm mostly just trying to do a lot of pushups and work with an ab wheel. I like the idea of the wheel because when I mentioned it to the girl at work (who works at a gym), she went "Oh, I hate that! It's too hard to use!"

So I'm okay with that.

Anyway, trying to eat healthier. Been eating a lot fewer carbs, been eating more apples, and I've been drinking a glass of water with half a lime's worth of juice in it every morning to get things moving. If nothing else, it's been kinda fun just trying stuff out that I've never really given a go before. Still not sure if I'll get to the point where I won't have to flex ALL the time I walk around, but it's something.

So yeah, that side of things is okay. On the other side where I'm just kinda picking fights with my friends and leaving things all awkward and tense and whatnot, well . . .

So I have the one friend, and she's been the one on her alleged cosplay diet the longest. Well, we consulted with her so we could use the gym in her building. So far so good. We're all getting along, getting some work done, and things are starting off on this potential routine we're gonna try to set up.

And then we had to have an argument because she was feeling like I was setting an unreasonable bar for our progress, and that I was going to turn into that "work out! Stop having fun!" kind of guy.

Well, after a tense week or two, we more or less got past that point and kinda just stopped worrying about it. We all had a solid workout and we were all too tired to try to argue anything else. So we were back to normal.

Then she gained a pound one day, and I suggested the next week that maybe her concern about my setting unreasonable standards for everyone was really just code for never expecting anything from her.

And now things are a little tense again. Not to mention that that's compounded by the other decade-long tensions with this particular person.

So yeah.

Then we have another fellow. Good guy, quite enjoy his company. Knowledgeable about all kinds of things, damn fine cook, lover of games, and all-around decent fellow.

He just happens to make the absolute worst first-impressions I've ever known a man to make. Took kiddo a whole year before she warmed up to him!

Anyway . . . so we all play The Old Republic. Same server, same guild. He has many years of WoW under his belt, and knows very well how these games are played.

Here's the hitch with that . . . when things go well, he's quite happy. When things aren't going quite so well, we all get to hear about how terrible everything is, or how everyone on the team is an idiot, or what have you. This is unfortunate.

My other friends are being rubbed in all the wrong ways right now. This concerns me. Now I know I may have a bit of an unrealistic hope that all my friends would be able to get along with all my other friends, but by all accounts they should be able to get along fine enough. Same interests, same hobbies . . . should be okay.

But no. Not working out so well. So the other night when EVERYONE was surprisingly online, we all got to talk in Vent. When said friend started getting into his more agitated state, the other fellows (who quite literally are playing the game for the lulz) were not quite in the mood to indulge. Pretty much every possible button that could have been pushed was pushed. Friend was not pleased.

And I do need to admit, I was quite freely pushing the buttons too. I'm kinda getting tired of being the nice one, as it's sorta not going anywhere better than where we are now.

Anyway, my understanding was the friend took things fairly personally and everything got under his skin. From my standpoint, actually a little okay with that. Mean to say, I know, but yeah.

Then I found out his avenue of venting said frustrations was another friend.

That part I didn't like so much. Had to have a chat with that other friend for a couple more hours to hash out everything that went down. All was well between us, but I feel like there's gonna be some terse discussions in the near future with the originally-discussed friend.

I'm usually bad at those. Things usually end badly.

But y'know what? Our little circle of people just have way too many elephants in the room. I seriously feel that we need to kill some of them off.

So that's my world these days. Decent enough, I suppose.

Haha. I guess that's as good a note as any to say "Happy Valentine's Day" to you guys, nya? That reminds me, I need to talk to Calendar Man today . . .
