Seattle types! I seek counsel!!!

Alright, so here's the sitch:

Comin' to Seattle for a few days. Basically long enough so our allowance for bring back alcohol is greater. That was the original plan. The hitch was that I needed to get the days off.

Well now I have the days off. And the person whose plan it was suddenly started thinking "maybe a day trip is enough after all". We have specific objectives of seeing a friend's performance and picking up cosplay material; booze is secondary to that.

That said, I counter-argued that I just got the days off and that I wouldn't mind seeing more of Seattle than just the convention center.

Well, she's seen more of Seattle than just the convention center. That said, she said that if I wanted to do some sight-seeing, then we could stay longer.

So now I feel guilty for pressing the matter. Also, I'm definitely getting the "it's fine" vibe. Y'know, the vibe where you get the feeling it's definitely not "fine"?

So here's where you guys come in . . .

. . . what are some of your favourite places around town? Places that when you have visitors, you feel they HAVE to see it. Maybe stuff that the regular tourists don't always see or do.

We've done Pike Place. She's done the zoo (and probably most of the other big touristy things). Need to think beyond this kind of stuff.

Any ideas? 'Cause seriously, I could use some right now . . .
