so... the society..... it is a secret society filled with the creatures of your wildest dreams, and is dangerous.... even for those that belong within it. it is no one place, it is the world around us. and the members of the society... are ingrained within nearly every aspect of human life... why do they remain secret you may ask.. well humans may not outnumber the peoples of the society but if it were to become known to the human world that these creatures they have merely heard stories of and many never truely believed in are actually real.. well i think that we can all say we have heard the saying "never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers," right? well if the majority of the humans would find out about the society well then the hunting of its creatures would be rampant. and not only that, there also would be nothing keeping the humans safe from the creatures that stalk the night and feed on the bodies and souls of humans.... basically the end of the world as we know it...... but there are still those who would like to see the end of the human era.... to see the society rule the world once again... (yea you heard me right "once again")...

welcome... to the society.... enjoy

this world is dedicated to those who have had characters in the story line based on them, this includes all of my pets that have been included :D
dedicated to:
Morgan (a special dedication to Morgan, my collie-astralian shepard mix, she was hit by a car in Febuary and died instantly, i miss her, but i will never forget her. she was the kind of dog that could make you smile even when you wanted to do nothing more than cry, i feel as though i didnt appreciate her enough but i hope this will help.)
Beast (a special dedication also goes to Beast because he also died this past year, in June. the cause of his death is unknown though. but he was an awesome cat, and if i find out that it really was my neighbor that killed him... then well, i guess there will be one less annoying alcoholic left in the world.)

chapter 2- morning in the "Sinclair" household


“Knock-knock, you almost ready?” Alen’s soft voice drifted into the bathroom from the main part of my bedroom.
“Yea, just about.” I had thrown on a pair of black skinnies and a black and purple striped long sleeve shirt. Walking out of the bathroom I grabbed my usual purple converse from the corner and a pair of socks, and sat on my bed to put them on. Alen walked in and stood in front of me. “What? It’s not that late, yet.”
“True, but if you don’t eat before we leave mom is gonna flip.”
“Eh, I’ll grab it on our way out, just chill.” I glared at him as I stood up and picked up my bag from the floor. “I don’t need a babysitter, I can take care of myself after all.”
“Yea I know Jamie, it’s just……..”
“Yea, Alen, I get it, no one expects me to actually be sane any more. Whatever then, lets just get going, Kelly and Jay-Jay need to talk to me so we gotta get there earlier than usual.” I looked at him, I felt bad for being so… well kinda mean towards him, it wasn’t his fault, he was just worried, even if there was no reason for him to be. I had to admit all of Aunt Patricia’s foster kids had become almost like siblings to me, especially Alen, he got what it was like to not have any one understand him, his parent had died when he was 8…. Right in front of him. There really aren’t a lot of people who can relate to that.
“Alen…….” His sad eyes were too much, I practically dropped my bag and hugged him with the best bear hug that I could give to a guy 5 inches taller than me. “I’m sorry, you need to remember…… it’s not even 7 in the morning yet and I haven’t even had caffeine!” I let go and managed the best smile I could before skipping out of my room, bag in hand.
I walked into the kitchen with Alen to see Ray and Lostelle grabbing for Auntie’s attention, and Bubba sitting at the table.
“You better eat before you leave, Jamie.” Said Auntie when she saw me digging through my bag for my car keys.
“Don’t worry I will, I…..just……need……. THESE!!” I held up my car keys triumphantly.
She gave me a look.
“What??” I asked innocently, walking over to the cupboard to grab a bowl and the Lucky Charms.
“I don’t trust you to not walk out of here with breakfast. I don’t care if you would or not but as long as you have the time you are eating.”
“Love you too Auntie,” I smiled my most sickeningly sweet smile that could convince anyone of anything.
“Ahhhh,” she said turning away to flip her pancakes, “don’t give me that ‘love you too Auntie’ crap.”
“Ooops, too late, already did,” I started to practically inhale my cereal.
Bubbles and Cat walked in from the direction of their rooms and sat down at the table.
“Are you still driving us to the meet Saturday, Jamie?” asked Bubbles as I started to rinse out my plate.
“Of course kiddo,” I smiled at her, I had to love her, it was impossible not to. It also happened to be impossible to say no to her too, so it was a good thing that I hardly ever had Saturday plans in the spring. Her and Bubba were both on the middle school swim team, and were two of the best swimmers Almond Prep had ever seen.
“Thanx Jamie!!!!” Bubbles said. “Bubba would say thanx too but you know, he’s too busy stuffing his face,” she laughed then glared at her twin who glared back.
“Thnksh J-mie,” Bubba said with a full mouth.
I laughed, “You’re both welcome, after all what kind of cousin/big sister would I be if I didn’t take you.”
“Not a very good one,” said Alen. “Can we go now?”
“Yupperz. Bye guys,” I said waving as I walked out the door to the garage. Alen and I hopped into my, ever-amazing, purple jeep and made our way to school.

Haha I love how this chapter turned out quite different from how I wrote it down lolz. Well I like it better this way and I hope everyone who reads it likes it!!! Doing my VERY best to keep on top of things and keep up with this, if anyone thinks I’m taking too long to do something feel free to send me a message and yell at me lolz, sometimes I need the motivation to get my rear in gear lolz. Comment if you have any suggestions or anything. Some more bios are coming your way next!!!!! xp

chaaapterrrr 1!!! bad dream? or bad memory?


The masks, glitter, beads, feathers, bright lights, and crowds of people filled my mind. I knew what would happen next in this dream but there was no way I could stop it. Blood filled my vision and everything got blurry and all I could think about was the pain, nothing else, no other memories, just pain and blood and screaming and last of all someone shouting my name before the gunshots.
I shot up from bed sweating. The flashes of images from the junior prom slowly faded as I counted my breath trying to make myself relax. Slowly I swung my legs from under the covers and pushed my short, dirty-blond hair away from my face. Looking around my room I found my clock, only 5:00 A.M. crap. I slipped out of bed and crept over to my bathroom.
I flinched, my hand not even an inch above the door knob. “Wasn’t quiet enough was I Beast.” I looked at my smallish, black and white, manx, cat sitting in the half open window.

“Meow” he jumped down from the window and sat down at my feet looking up at me with his piercing pale green eyes.

“I didn’t think so.” I opened the bathroom door and he trotted away. “Crazy cat.”

I took a longer shower than usual so I was just in time to shut off my alarm clock seconds before it went off at 5:15. I looked at Beast who was now lying on my bed with his eyes shut even though I knew he was awake. “So Beast how long do you think before-“
“HEY JAMIE, WAKE UP!” Aunt Patricia pounded on my door and I could hear her foster kids down the hallway slowly waking up and getting ready.
“Oh…… ok then.” I could hear her footsteps move away from the door and down the hall.
I sighed. “Jeez Beast you’d think she’d quiet down a bit it’s not even 20 after 5 in the freakin’ morning!”
His eyes stayed closed but his ears twitched.
“You are so weird, honestly it’s like your almost human sometimes.” I gave him a long look. I can’t help but to remember how I found him….. At the crash site……. I shook my head, no, no thinking of that, not now, if ever. I turned around and walked into the bathroom, now was not the time to be arguing with a cat, especially with my sanity being questioned as it was, stupid people not minding their own business…
Ooooook, so that was pretty much chapter 1, I’m gonna work on typing the next chapter now soooo hopefully it won’t be so long before I submit it, I kinda dropped the ball on here for a while lolz. Hope you enjoy :D

character bio for Jamie!

Jamie Full Name: Jamison Violet Sinclair Nickname: Jamie, James, Violet (only certain family members), Sinclair, Jam-Jam (Ray, he is 5 so he gets to call her that lolz) Age: 17 DOB: August 1 Hair: Short, Dirty-Blonde...

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kk this is pretty much an exposition. society is as its name entails an society. a secret society in fact of mythical creatures of all sorts. this society exists within the human society and is more involved in it than...

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