Creation Story

It was just an assignment for english. Completely fiction, and not exactly at all what I believe^^ Hope you like it.

Long ago, there was a world much similar to ours, with trees, plants, animals, humans, fire, earth and water. But there was a difference. Each life, each organism was trapped in a mortal body, spirit and flesh combined inseparably. The Creator of this world did this for a reason, setting up a home for his “children” to live outside of his presence to live on their own as they grew and struggled to survive. If they succeeded in their diligence in their life, always remembering their Great Creator, they would attain glory beyond measure after death and judgment. After the course of the world was through, one of the faithful humans stood facing his creator, being granted the power of a god. A universe, solely his, to live, to create, and to make into a personal heaven if desired. But there was one catch. Being trapped still in his mortal body, it would take a separate spirit to live with him throughout the eternities in order for him to become a creator himself. So the human’s creator assigned him a creature from earth, one who had watched over him faithfully, and was now able to be a spirit and a tangible being distinctly, neither bound to the other. A great owl, head erect, feathers glistening, but eyes bright with hope and conviction flew to his now-creator human. As soon as contact was made, the Creator opened their eyes and let them through to a universe that was now theirs.
Soon alone in their vast, open expanse, the human talked to the owl. He soon became jealous of her, as he felt the presence of her spirit so strongly. Having no contact to his inner spirit welded inside of him, he grew soon frustrated. He, a human-No, a Great Creator himself, needing help from a spirit bird, a bird with no more sense than a disabled child. In his frustration, he made an attempt to kill the owl, thinking that if he could kill the bodily form of her, he could take complete control of her spirit. If he could manipulate her spirit, he figured, it would be just as well as being solitary in creating his desires. Having no means with which to kill the bird besides his bare hands, he let violent thought upon violent thought fly through his mind, and he soon set off with conviction through his universe calling out for the owl.
She heard his call and flew to him, hearing a measure of distress and was worried for his safety. Drawing nearer to him, though, she saw the anger surge in clouds through his body and her spirit warned her from coming any closer. Scared, she flew to the farthest corner of the universe. Finding herself utterly alone, she felt lost and confused. In her sorrow, she soon found that her tears did not simply disappear as she assumed, but gathered and flowed through the emptiness around her. This distressed her, and so using her memories from her past life, she tried to recreate the world she used to know. She remembered the lull of the rivers and the great trees she used to sit in. When she finally returned from dazed memories and looked around, she found that a light silhouette of all her memories formed around her, and she appeared to be sitting in an old, flowing tree that had been the place of her mortal birth. Surprised, she began to cry out in longing for her old home. As she cried, the silhouettes began to become tangible, as if her spirit were calling forth the elements from nothingness. By the time she finished her lament, a perfect recreation of the world she loved had accumulated around her. But her friends, her enemies, the living, moving beings were not yet there. Searching deep into her heart, she pulled each of the memories from deep inside. Soon, her world was full. It needed nothing more. Though her human companion had violently disowned her, she had indeed placed humans into her perfection. She had created a perfect world, one where the creatures upon it were like herself. Spirit and flesh, together because they wanted to be, not forced to be. Everything in perfect accord.
Watching from below, her vicious once-companion who sought her death watched angrily. “I have not the power to create because of this animal, so I will eternally do my best to lead away the harmony of her creation.”
The Great Owl has since watched over her earth and her people; a caring mother, never leaving her infant’s side. Her contentious oppose, commonly nick named Satan, still thwarts her creation, leading away her children into misery and despair. And thus we are.
