I feel insane. I don't show it. I'm patient, but quick to anger. I'm kind, but my yin is starting to take over. And my dog is scared of bubbles for some odd reasone........ ALL HAIL SUSHI.


I'm getting angsty. I'm trying to find where their showing Coraline here in Cali, and I can't find it. IT sucks living in the 805. for this.


My laptop is working again. It just doesn't have any applications, or documents, or anything I can really use eccepet games, and the net. My da's gong to work on it tommorow. LATER!


I'm not old, but I feel old. I have a beard, my back hurts, I'm contemplating my life, and I have an addiction........ to salt. My vision occasionaly gets blurry, and I think I have arthritis in my hands, that or their getting a permanent look of a console gamer's hands. I need a new book. I keep reading the ones I already have. It's fine, but it can get boring after a while. What's going on?


Man, it's been a while since I've been here. The only new thing going on here, apart of whats on myo, I bought the first Xenosaga for 9.67. Very cheap, and from Sears. I wanted Final Fantasy 12,think it's 12, but it cost twenty withought taxes. Later.


I'm in pain. I have to start wearing rubber bands on my braces now. I can't move my jaw. I was in so much pain last night I wolk up and took them off. It was hard, and I drooled a lot. I NEED VICODEN!